No. CII - The life and travels of Leo Africanus, the name by which Hasan ibn Muhammed al-Wazzen al-Fasi (c. 1488-c. 1554) is best known in the West.

This image is included last because there seems to be some debate as to whether this is a depiction of Leo Africanus or one of his contemporaries, but this compares favorably to the other, purely fictional visages yielded up in the course of my internet image search.

Ricky Fitness
I had to use the second crummiest treadmill today. If my elephantine bulk is running more swiftly than you, you are wasting everyone's time on that treadmill; so, stop tying it up and give someone more deserving the chance to use it. Greedy fiends!
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
The Littlest Man Band, "Sunshine" from Better Book Ends (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: "And it's about time I tried."
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