No. CVIII - The tughras of the Ottoman sultans.

The tughra of Suleiman the Magnificent (reigned 1520-66), who presided over the Ottoman zenith.

The tughra of Mahmud II (reigned 1808-39), who broke the corrupt power of the Janissaries.

A modern tughra, not depicting the name of a sultan.
Project TROIKA
Dezember ist die Zeit für Panik!
"December is the time for panic!," in German. Why German? Because German is a great language for panicky shrieking, and a Zeit für Panik is hardly the time for a reasonable tone of voice. Also of aid in this dire hour:

My feeling is that we're actually in pretty good shape, we're mostly just compiling all the plot mechanics and character sketches we've already devised, but those few little things left to puzzle out are the devilishly perplexing details our selves of days gone by left for Future Kevin and Future Mike. And not the bill has come due. Lousy Past Mike, always leaving all the hard stuff for Present Mike, who no longer has the luxury of pawning it off on Future Mike, thanks to a self-imposed deadline. By Lucifer's beard, if only I could get my hands on my lazy (lazier, at any rate) former self, I'd give him what for! There is much to do and not much time.
Grow or die.
You Can't Have Adventure Without Advent
Unlike the stern, righteous Father Tim, the folksy, earnest Father George always begins his homily with at least one and usually a series of lame jokes. Today, there was but one. "An honest politician, a generous lawyer, and Santa Claus are in an elevator. They spot a twenty dollar bill on the floor. Which one of them picks it up?"
I leaned over and whispered to my mother, "Santa Claus, because the other two don't exist."
Smiling like the Cheshire Cat, Father George delivered the punchline, "Santa Claus, because the other two aren't real!"
The L.A.W. and Brother-in-L.A.W., both Esq., are scheduled to arrive on Christmas Eve, weather permitting.
The Rebel Black Dot Hanukkah Song of the Day
Barenaked Ladies, "Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah" from Barenaked For the Holidays (T.L.A.M.)
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