No. CCXXX - Konrad Zuse's Z3, a casualty of the Second World War, but since resurrected through re-creation.

Bonus: Zuse's Z1, Z2, & Z4 (neither the Z3 nor the Z4 should be confused the the B.M.W. Z3 or Z4 roadsters).
If you want to get rid of sore muscles, lift more weight! My chest muscles had been sore & tight since Tuesday, but I powered through the pain today & now my condition is much improved. My right shoe wasn't anchored tightly enough to my foot during today's jaunt on the treadmill; I worked up a wee blister on my heel, but I've got padded bandages designed for just such occurrences & will be back on the horse tomorrow. Also tomorrow, I'll be lifting with Nick Andopolis (the brand-new code name for Matt, the drummer for The Loose Ties, fast becoming a pal o' mine), who has kindly offered his support & encouragement to my effort to lose a staggering eleven stone (don't hold your breath for those results).
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day: SKApril
The Hippos, "Don't Worry" from Forget the World (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: The lyrics of "Don't Worry" posit a world in which ska is too popular, too successful. Even in those halcyon days of & after the Summer of Ska, ska kids were always few & far between. Was this perhaps not the case in Southern California? Was that hotbed of ska that spawned so many bands, The Hippos among them, so hip that posers & selling out were genuine problems? Holy smoke, if that was true….
"So you know that everybody's going to
The ska shows when it used to be just you,
You feel betrayed, alone, left out,
All your favorite bands have all sold out.
And now you see them on M.T.V.,
Now way they'll ever remember little old me.
What's become of your ska scene?
All the bands want money, and all the bands are mean.
So please come to the show tonight,
I promise everything is gonna be alright…."
Good for you! Slow & steady wins the race to fitness. Don't burn out trying to do it all at once, my friend-- but I suppose you know that. Good day-to-day activity & eating habits ultimately make the difference. A flurry of activity towards a goal is exciting, but it's only half the story.
But most of all, just know that we're all delighted you're doing this for yourself. Carry on!
Thanks, Dreamer, I appreciate the well-wishes.
It is such a curious sensation to have so many people urging me to cultivate vanity as if it were a virtue; I blame only myself for this, since the embrace of vanity is mine own idea & they are simply trying to be supportive. Can one do good by doing evil? That way lies grave, nay, mortal peril… & yet I persist. Curious.
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