Monday, April 6, 2015


Today we remember Saint Maria Crescentia Höß, T.O.R. (1682-1744, also spelt Höss or Hoess): Saint-link ūna, Saint-link duae, & Wikipedia-link.

Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The Gospel according to John, chapter twenty, verse one;
The Book of Isaiah, chapter fifty-three.

Commentary: The verse from John comes from The Little White Book, a small devotional based on the writings of the Most Reverend Ken Untener (1937-2004), late Bishop of Saginaw. The Little White Book for the Eastertide follows completion of The Little Black Book for Lent. Bishop Untener was an unrepentant sinner, a man who tried to destroy the priesthood in his own diocese, & so his writings must be read very, very carefully so as not to be led astray into error & sin. I pray that the Lord has shone the light of grace, of mercy & forgiveness, upon Bishop Untener.

I am stepping away from the New Testament epistles for a spell to read a trio of chapters from Isaiah, described by the Music Man, Holy Redeemer's youth & music minister, as his favorites in all of Scripture.

Mass Readings
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter two, verses fourteen, twenty-two thru thirty-three;
Psalm Sixteen, verses one thru two(A), five, seven thru eleven;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter twenty-eight, verses eight thru fifteen.

Commentary: I really wish we read from Acts at Mass more often than we do.

Mass Journal: Week 14
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Reflection by Matthew Kelly
It is through prayer, reflection, the Scriptures, the grace of the sacraments, the wisdom of the Church, & the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we discover & walk the path that God is calling us to walk. In our own way, we all seek out our individual destiny. Drawn by our yearning for happiness, we may seek to experience pleasure, possessions, & even power, but the world & all it has to offer can never content the human heart. God alone can satisfy the deepest cravings of our hearts.
Operation AXIOM | Kith & Kin
I regret this year's lack of online April Fools' Day pranks, which we absent from both The Secret Base & the FaceSpace. Where's Teddy? & the Cupcake were visiting on their parents' spring break, meaning every free moment spent at home was spent playing with them. When they were sleeping, Where's Teddy? was in my bedroom leaving me to crash on a couch downstairs. There was neither the opportunity nor the means to conduct what was becoming my customary April Fools' tomfoolery. Seeing those darling children was a more than fair trade for the low, low cost of trying to play my kith for online fools.

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