Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Lord's Day

Alan Powell, "Son of a King" from The Song Album: Music from the Motion Picture (The Last Angry Man)

Commentary: "Son of a King," sung by the main character, Jed King, is about being the son of his father, David King. But on another level we are all born the sons of a king, of the King. Through our baptism & fidelity to Christ, we are also adopted as sons of God. Adoption is not a second-class sonship, but conveys the full glory & majesty of our Father in Heaven. You are the son of a king, if only you let Him adopt you.

The Song is an allegory of temptation & fidelity set in the contemporary music industry "inspired by the Song of Solomon," A.K.A. the Song of Songs, & the other Biblical writings about Solomon.

Jed King = King Solomon, A.K.A. Jedidiah
David King = King David, father of Solomon
Bethany King = Queen Bathseheba, mother of Solomon (& widow of Uriah the Hittite)
Rose King = Naamah, wife of Solomon & mother of Rehoboam
Shelby = Solomon's other, foreign wives who lead him astray into idolatry
Ray King = Rehoboam, son of Solomon & Naamah, future king

Now that I am reading the Books of Samuel, I am more interested than ever in at least sampling the short-lived television series Kings & Of Kings & Prophets, both of which are more based on the rivalry & conflict 'twixt Saul & David, recorded in Samuel, than on the Books of Kings or the Books of Chronicles, as the titles might suggest.

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