Thursday, February 22, 2018


Weekly Wednesday Thursday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 339.6 lbs
This weigh-in: 337.4 lbs.
Difference: -2.2 lbs.

Two & one fifth pounds (2.2 lbs.); the opportunity is too good to let pass: For our international, non-American readings, in the last week I lost one kilogram (1 kg). My aim is to lose a kilogram per week. Yes, many persons have lost weight at a far more rapid rate, but I have trouble enough sustaining this pace. If I can drop weight at a consistent pace of one kilogram per week (1 kg/week), but this time next year I will weigh two hundred twenty-three pounds (223 lbs.) or one hundred one kilograms (101.2 kg), which might well be a perfectly healthy weight for a broad-shouldered man, six feet in height (6' or 72", roughly 183 cm). Onward!

I am having real problems keeping my pants up. I've punched additional holes in a couple of my belts, but the difficulty is more fundamental than that. For the first time in years, I need to buy new pants with a smaller waist, instead of with a larger waist. What about my old pants? I think I gave most of them to the poor, but I must check to see if there are any of the older sizes hiding in one or another closet.

Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Grapefruit Diet" from Running with Scissors (The Last Angry Chunk)

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