Monday, March 11, 2024


This afternoon, while motoring through Grand Blanc, I espied a remarkable sight: A Pepto-Bismol-pink Maserati Quattroporte sporting the vanity license plate EATCAKE. Whether this is an exhortation to eat cake (of the carpe diem/you only live once variety) or an echo of Rousseau's "let them eat cake" ("Qu'ils mangent de la brioche"), I leave it to you to decide. I found the pink paint to be garish, but was at the same time delighted with the coincidence of the day before being the Laetare Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, on which priests & deacons vest in pink. (Technically, the vestments are "rose," but I have little patience for clerics who are persnickety about wearing rose not pink, yet casually refer to their usual Lenten vestments as purple when theliturgical color is technically "violet.")
Commentary The pink Quattroporte above is not the car I saw—I was too busy driving to take a photograph—but the fruit of an internet image search for "pink Maserati."

Bonus! Song o' the Day
Real Can of Yams, "Always, Grand Blanc" from the Nothing Can Kill the Grimace E.P. (Mike Papa Whiskey)

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