Sunday, May 18, 2003

Watch Donnie Darko. I cannot recommend this movie highly enough. It's a trip.

I now have seventy-eight episodes of Star Trek: Odyssey plotted/titled. They are developed to greater and lesser degrees, mostly lesser as far as specific plot structure, but I am nevertheless very impressed with myself. Seventy-eight episodes is three entire seasons, and only one episode short of the original Star Trek series. I rule. Of course, with heavy modification both the basic structure of Odyssey and a number of specific episodes are lifted directly from Voyager; my next challenge, once I bore of this project, will be to develop my own entirely original Star Trek series. A sequel to Deep Space Nine? Captain Riker's adventures aboard the Titan? A The Next Generation in the early 25th century?

Fishy appears to have unlearned his trick. Or more likely, it was a fluke in the first place. Blast!

I batted .500 in electronic matters today. My new speaker wires are great; the sound is far more robust and stable than before. However, as soon as I plugged them in my Christmas lights burned out. In the long run, though, the quality speaker wires are a far more significant victory than the lights are a defeat. The packaging called them "monster wires." Beware my stereo, it's in league with monsters.

A pleasant side effect of Donnie Darko, I want to do very naughty things to Maggie Gyllenhaal.

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