Sunday, May 4, 2003

Well, the Mountain's cell phine is all set up and is now fully functional. No, I didn't misspell phone, he doesn't have a cell phone, he has a cell phine. Don't ask me, K. Steeze is entirely to blame for this.

Julie, the more standoffish of my two summer roommates, is gone to California for a week. She's not so standoffish as to be unpleasant, she's just more standoffish than Lauren, the other roomie. Julie's standoffish, Lauren's friendly.

The swelling of my right-hand middle finger has finally subsided enough that I can wear my ring again. I must have jammed it while moving, but I don't remember doing it. The important thing is I'm glad to be able to wear my ring.

First communion day today. Ugh. Sure, it's great for the kids and their parents, but it makes Mass take for-fucking-ever. It's weird going to church by myself, but I have to start doing it regularly.

Last night's episode of Enterprise, "Cogenitor" (preempted on Wednesday by fucking basketball), raised the issues of universal sentient rights and cultural relativism. I have to say, I strongly disagree with the conclusions they reached. Slavery should not be tolerated in the name of cultural differences. Next week, the Borg. I really like Enterprise, but some things about it make me uneasy.

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