The Mountain of Love wore Sidekick's hat (of Sidekick and The Psychotic Mouseketeer fame) and I wore his smallish black ushanka. I love Hat Day!
The Winged Wheel
Attack of the Clones was mocked on 30 Rock and I have no patience with such tripe. Searching the channels for something to watch until Scrubs started, I found the Red Wings leading the Calgary Flames 4-0 late in the third period. Moments later, the Flames scored, foiling the shutout, but ultimately Detroit prevailed.
My thoughts on this are very complicated and my feelings very convoluted, and at present I have no faith in my ability to articulate those thoughts and emotions in a manner that is even minimally satisfactory, much less riveting. This should suffice: one camp of my mind is Cicero, another is Catiline, and they regard each other with all the suspicion and loathing befitting the metaphor.

Caution: Vulgarity ahead.
Mission: Unpossible Zwei - Tag Zwei
Mildly ill at ease, but I suspect that's more psychological than physical. A nascent faction within my mind, no doubt in league with the dark bastard, is attempting to launch a whisper campaign.
The Endurance
Codename: PANDORA rang at the eleventh hour and the Mountain was eager to retire; so, the Song of the Day shall have to keep until tomorrow. She called after midnight in the sacred Eastern Time Zone, despite a looming early morning. Yes, excellent. Excellent.
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