Monday, November 5, 2007

The Gunpowder Plot
'Tis Guy Fawkes Night in merry old England! Penny for the guy? I'm glad we fought the Revolutionary War and I am fiercely proud of being American, but there are times I wish we had even closer cultural links with the mother country. Perhaps we could start by burning in effigy The Guy....

"Remember, remember,
The 5th of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
I know of no reason
The Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."

What is the secret behind this reversal in my attitude toward Guy Fawkes Night? I'd tell you, but I am attempting to cultivate an air of mystery. And by "air of mystery" I mean that I have writer's block, thus explaining the absence of the football posts I mentioned yesterday. I know that will break C's heart, not getting to skip over my thoughts on the Michigan State game, Navy's triumph over Notre Dame, and Arizona State getting screwed in the AP poll.

For now, here's a rock 'n' roll song to which almost none of you will be able to listen!

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Real Can of Yams, "Girls Are Better Than Electronics... Most of the Time (Temp Track v7)" from the forthcoming CODENAME: Koala (K. Steeze)

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