Thursday, May 29, 2008

In the course of the day, Skeeter repeated her plea for me to rededicate The Secret Base to chronicling the trials and travails of my daily life and The L.A.W. & Brother-in-L.A.W. rang - on speaker phone - with a life-changing proposal to alleviate their concern over my lack of direction/residence in Grand Blanc. Always odd to be reminded that people are, to varying degrees, interested in my life and welfare. Neat!

The Professor has initiated a series of emails, an intelligent discourse on the nature and meaning of several of the adages by which he lives his life. An absolutely fascinating dialogue is taking shape. I am blessed to have such friends.

Project TROIKA
Steeze and I had our first face-to-face discussion of Project TROIKA during Matrimania - Saint Louis and for the first time I feel as if the end is in sight, not like Project TROIKA is a long, hard slog, but as if I can really see both where we want to go and how to get there, creatively speaking. Am I spouting gibberish? Almost certainly, but ask me if I care. Holy balls, we're actually going to get this done. We're actually going to write a novel for publication. You'll be able to see our names, K. Steeze's, The Professor's, and mine, on a cover in your local bookstore. Great googly moogly.

Grow or die.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Fatboy Slim, "Praise You" via iTunes (The Sardine)

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