Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny"
"The Doctor is Sin"
"The Invisible Hand of Fate"
"Home is Where the Hate Is"
"The Buddy System"

Holy balls! Marslink. We'll hardly need to terraform the Red Planet before founding the first Martian colonies! "I claim this land... in the name of Spain." This is so amazing. Everything is better with space. Pigs? Good. "Pigs in Space"? Awesome! Asparagus? A bore. Asparagus in space? Totally wicked!


The Stars My Destination & Proud Europa
Frogs in Spacelink. U.S.-E.U. cooperation in space: the first step to U.E.S.P.A.? (Now that is a joke only hardcore Trekkies will get.)

Dominion Day
Today is Canada Day (formerly Dominion Day)! Best wishes for a happy rip off/imitation Independence Day, America Junior! (There is something about the smugness of our brethren in the Great White North that brings out the Ugly American in me.)

Special Request
My darling mother's single least endearing trait is her penchant for devising and demanding grand home improvement projects for which she does no work. She is suddenly and inexplicably obsessed with maximizing the storage capacity of the house; to that end, the last of her youngest son's vestigial possessions still in the house are to be transported down to *shiver* Columbus. Also, my father and I have been tasked with a) rearranging the shed in the backyard for maximum efficiency and b) expanding the usable storage in the attic. This involves difficult, repetitive work in cramped, uncomfortably warm quarters. Work of which my mother shan't do a lick, though the entire endeavour is of her design. Charming.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Johnny Socko, "Hasselhoff" from Full Trucker Effect (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: "Feelin' more like Dave Hasselhoff every day." Or as Norm Macdonald, an apropos man to quote on Dominion Day, used to say, "And this proves what I've been saying all along: Germans love David Hasselhoff."

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