Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Special Request
Work continues apace on the construction of additional storage space in the attic, and my darling mother continues to contribute none of the labor. Also, ostensibly for "cost cutting" reasons she has dispensed with the services of our fortnightly cleaning lady; so, this weekend she bade me vacuum the entire ground floor and clean both bathrooms. Fine and dandy, I don't mind one bit doing by part to keep the house clean... but neither she nor my father lifted a finger for housekeeping duties. Okay, that's not strictly true, my mother did do the laundry, but I do my only laundry; her efforts benefited only those who didn't clean any toilets this weekend. So, now, in addition to doing the dishes every night, taking out the garbage, feeding the cat, mowing the lawn, cooking dinner one or two nights a week, and not burdening her with my laundry, I am responsible for cleaning the house, too? There is something else happening here; the game is afoot.

Also, a small repair to Lumi became necessary this afternoon; so, Thursday morning (Wednesday is my longest and busiest day of the week), I get to wake up at the crack of dawn and scrounge around Tiger Auto Salvage for a replacement part before work. Make no mistake, I love going to Tiger, but I really would have preferred if Lumi had waited until Friday for that particular bolt to snap in twain so that I might have taken a more leisurely sojourn to Tiger on Saturday morning.

Eye of the Tiger
Strike "feeding the cat" from the list, I mind not at all taking care of Tiger. Though, of late she has been play-biting more frequently and I simply will not stand for this. Undoubtedly, my perceptions were warped by my late, lamented Sam, who never play-bit: each of his bites was chockablock with malice. Bog, I miss that misanthropic bastard. In any event, Tiger's play-biting has been encouraged by my sister's youngest brother, who visited a few weeks hence. His house is ruled by his three cats (yes, three, qualifying him as a crazy animal person), and he seems determined to spread his anarchic philosophy to our abode. In this he shall fail, you have my guarantee.

Hot and Muggy
Yesterday was a vision. Not to bore you with anything as mundane as the weather, but if all the days between Memorial and Labor Days were as splendid as yesterday I would have far less cause for bellyaching about the sweltering summertime. Tomorrow, the hellish Floridian humidity returns. Gird thyself.

The Rebel Black Dot Songs of the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Fire In the Canyon" from Traffic and Weather (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: Previously selected as a B.T.W. South Song of the Day by my then-roommate.

Montag, 14 Juli
The Aquabats!, "It's Crazy, Man!" from The Return of The Aquabats! (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: Not nearly enough songs incorporate a few bars from "Pop Goes the Weasel," but, as usual, where other bands fall short, The Aquabats! pick up the slack. Awesome awesomeness!

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