Monday, September 22, 2008

A lengthy trek under the stars for our intrepid Mars rover Opportunity: Endeavourlink. Will Opportunity endure the two-year journey to the crater Endeavour? No man can say, but the very fact that a two-year trek is being planned for a four and a half-year-old rover, a rover with an intended operational life of ninety days, is a tribute to the technical prowess and operational acumen of American engineering. And let us not overlook Opportunity's plucky counterpart, Spirit, that can now only ambulate in reverse, and yet soldiers on steadily. Talk about spirit!

M2K4... 5... 6... 7... 8.... Absolutely amazing what those rovers have accomplished. Oh, I cannot wait until our next robot minion, the Mars Science Laboratory, starts rolling across the Red Planet: And for an idea of the behemoth size of the M.S.L., behold (and use the items in the background for scale, and click on the picture for a much larger view):


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