Friday, February 21, 2014


I admit to being surprised by the "Dear John" email I received this morning from Hotel Sierra, the salient line from which was, "I definitely want to still be friends..." I misread how much she liked me, but upon further reflection that isn't really surprising, because I really do mean it when I say how bad I am at reading people. Her expressed concern was a twist on my own vexation, "I can't decide if I like the thought of you or if I actually like you." I was magnanimous in my reply, even excusing her from the cowardly act of kicking me to the curb via e-mail. (What, a text message would have been too personal?) I was also honest, telling her that I've never managed to maintain a friendship with a former paramour, which I haven't, because I have philosophical objections to the concept.

The question now is, How long should I wait before I "de-friend" her on the FaceSpace? I de-friended The Interpreter straight away, but then faced the awkwardness of running into her in person. That seems far more unlikely with Hotel Sierra, so perhaps the best course would be to get it over with now, since I'll never again having anything to do with her anyway. On the one hand, he who hesitates is lost. On the other hand, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Is there a gripping hand here? Not every question has a gripping hand.

So, that's that. Her loss. This does decidedly vindicate the new placeholder code name system for internet dating girls. Good call, Mike. Project PANDORA rolls on.

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