Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Explorers' Club, № CCCLXXVIII

The Gold Standard, Part I: Free Silver—the Mint Act of 1873, A.K.A. the "Crime of '73;" William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech; & the United States presidential elections of 1896 & 1900.

Commentary: "The Gold Standard," a three-part series, does not aspire to anything as grand as surveying the history of gold as a medium of exchange in the United Stats, let along the world. Instead, we limit our focus to United States federal monetary policy in the century of approximately 1870 to 1970, & even with such a modest scope we shall only touch upon a few highlights.

This subject was nominated by Doctor Hee Haw, for which he has our (the editorial "we") thanks.

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