Friday, December 12, 2014


Today is the memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe: Our Lady-link Unus, Our Lady-link Duo, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: From the church bulletin:
The Virgin of Guadalupe is considered the Patroness of Mexico & the Continental Americas. The Blessed Virgin Mary, under this title is popularly invoked as "Patroness of the Unborn" & a common image for the Pro-Life Movement.
Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter seventeen.

Daily Mass Readings
The Book of Zechariah, chapter two, verses fourteen through seventeen;
or, The Book of Revelation, chapter eleven, verse nineteen(a); chapter twelve, verses one through six & ten(ab);
The Book of Judith, chapter thirteen;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter one, verses twenty-six through thirty-eight;
or, The Gospel according to Luke, chapter one, verses thirty-nine through forty-seven.

Commentary: I have no idea what's going on with today's daily Mass readings. Options? No responsorial Psalm? Luke, 1:26-38 was the Gospel reading for Monday, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I suppose celebrating two Marian feasts so close together produces overlap, if not confusion.

At this morning's Mass, Zechariah was read, as well as a Psalm. I still do not know what prompted the confusion in the bulletin.


J.R. said...

After our discussion this morning, I was wondering if you have ever read "The Bad Catholic’s Guide to Good Living" By: Zmirak & Matychowiak, as it is a look at all the weird holidays and traditions in the Church. I have a copy of it if you ever want to look at it. Also, although the series is the "The Bad Catholic's Guide. . ." I found out about it from Ava Maria Radio.

Mike Wilson said...

Nope, this is the first I've ever head of any Bad Catholic's Guide…. I'd be more than happy to take a gander at it.