Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Project BLACK MAMBA: Eastertide, Backlog Edition

Monday, 29 May was the festival of Saint Maximinus of Trier, Bishop (died circa 347, also spelt Maximin): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.

'Twas also the festival of Blessed Richard Thirkeld, Priest & Martyr (died 1583), martyred in the reign of the queen Elizabeth I: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: Wayback Machine.

Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Easter Weekday
The Acts of the Apostles, chapter nineteen, verses one thru eight;
Psalm Sixty-eight, verses two & three(a,b), four & five (a,c,d), & six & seven(a,b);
The Gospel according to John, chapter sixteen, verses twenty-nine thru thirty-three.

Commentary: Easter Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus promises peace to his disciples who abandoned him at his arrest. “Behold, the hour is coming and has arrived when each of you will be scattered… and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me. I have told you this so that you might have peace in me.”

And Jesus’ prophecy is fulfilled at the Resurrection. The disciples are gathered in the upper room, that place of fear, and suddenly Jesus is in their midst. What is the reaction of the disciples? They are afraid. And no wonder: they had abandoned him.

In the face of this fear, Jesus does two simple things. First, he shows his wounds. Second, he offers his peace. Both are important. By the first action, he reminds them of the sins that put an end to his life. In the second great move, Jesus says, “Shalom,” which means peace. Jesus returns not with vengeance, not with a renewal of violence, not with more of the same; rather the violence brought against him is met with Shalom, the gift of peace. With this, a new world opens up and a way out emerges.
Quoth the missalette from World Library Publications:
The readings, psalm, & Gospel acclamation may also be taken from the Masses for various Needs & Occasions: For the Nation (Lect. 882-886), For Peace & Justice (Lect. 887-891). The following are suggested from among the many options.
Mass Readings—Memorial Day
The Book of Numbers, chapter six, verses twenty-two thru twenty-seven;
Psalm Eighty-five, verse nine(b);
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter five, verses one thru twelve(a).

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