Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
His most well known text, the First Apology, passionately defends the morality of the Christian life.Quoth the Holy Family bulletin:
St. Justin was a philosopher & a martyr. he was born of pagan parents st Flavia Neapolis in Samaria at the beginning of the second century. Following his conversion to the faith he wrote many works in defense of religion, of which we have only two: the Apology & the Dialogue with Trypho. He also opened a school at Rome in which public debates were held. Justin was martyred along with several companions during the reign of Marcus Aurelius around the year 165.'Tis also the feast of Saint Ronan, Bishop (sixth century, A.K.A. of Cornwall, of Locronan): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The Second Letter to Timothy, chapter one, verses one, two, three, & six thru twelve;
Psalm One Hundred Twenty-three, verses one(b) thru two(f);
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter twelve, verses eighteen thru twenty-seven;
or, for St. Justin:
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter one, verses eighteen thru twenty-five;
Psalm Thirty-four, verse five;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter five, verses thirteen thru nineteen.
Personal Reading
The Book of Numbers, chapter thirty-four (verses one thru twenty-nine);
The Book of Numbers, chapter thirty-five (verses one thru thirty-four);
The Book of Numbers, chapter thirty-six (verses one thru thirteen).
Commentary: The Boundaries (34:1-15), Supervisors of the Allotment (34:16-29), Cities for the Levites (35:1-8), Cities of Asylum (35:9-15), Murder & Manslaughter (35:16-29), Witnesses (35:30), No Indemnity (35:31-34), Property of Heiresses (36:1-12), & Conclusion (36:13).
Thus concludes the Book of Numbers. I need a break from the Pentateuch, a sabbatical back to the green pastures of the New Testament. Once back in the Old Testament, I can't say if I'll cowboy up enough to tackle Leviticus & Deuteronomy, or slink off to Joshua & Judges with a yellow belly.
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Sunday, 29 May was the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi): Solemnity-link & Wikipedia-link.
Commentary: Wayback Machine. The last four Sundays—Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, & now Corpus Christi—are all moveable feasts, deriving their dates from the Easter Triduum. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
(Corpus Christi is a) Latin Rite liturgical solemnity celebrating the tradition & belief in the Body & Blood of Jesus Christ & his Real Presence in the Eucharist.Otherwise, 29 May would have been the feast of Blessed Richard Thirkeld, Priest & Martyr (died 1583), martyred in the reign of the queen Elizabeth I: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Week
Mass Readings
The Book of Genesis, chapter fourteen, verses eighteen thru twenty;
Psalm One Hundred Ten, verses one thru four;
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter eleven, verses twenty-three thru twenty-six;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter nine, verses eleven(b) thru seventeen.
Commentary: Memorial Day weekend, so lots of folks were out of town. (I was out of town in the morning, being kicked out of Xanadu so that the residents could decamp to Apple Valley for the rest of the holiday weekend, & arriving home mid-afternoon.) I was scheduled to proclaim the Second Reading at the five o'clock Mass in place of a brother Knight, but due to the first reader not showing up I also got to proclaim the First Reading, too. Neat! Her loss (& neglect of duty) was my gain.
* * * * *
Monday, 30 May was the feast of Saint Joan of Arc, Martyr (circa 1412-1431), the Maid of Orléans, martyred in the reign of the king Henry VI: Martyr-link ūna, Martyr-link duae, & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings
The Second Letter of Peter, chapter one, verses two thru seven;
Psalm Ninety-one, verses one, two, & fourteen thru sixteen;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter twelve, verses one thru twelve;
or, for Memorial Day:
The Book of Numbers, chapter six, verses twenty-two thru twenty-seven;
Psalm Ninety-one, verses one, two, & fourteen thru sixteen;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter five, verses one thru twelve(a).
Commentary: The reading from Numbers is the Priestly Blessing, one of the best bits of the whole book. I was out at the Old Calvary Cemetery for Mass at ten o'clock on Memorial Day, honoring our glorious dead as a member of the Knights of Columbus honor guard.
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