Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
He was a Roman aristocrat, & was the first pope to have been called "the Great." He is perhaps best known for having met Attila the Hun in 452 & persuading him to turn back from his invasion of Italy. He galvanized charitable works in a Rome beset by famines, an influx of refugees, & poverty. He further associated the practice of fasting with charity & almsgiving particularly on the occasion of the Quattro tempora."Quattro tempora," you ask? Yeah, me, too: Latin for "four seasons," it refers to the ember days. "Ember days," you ask? Yeah, me, too: Wikipedia-link Ember.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Grellan, Bishop (floruit fifth century): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Baudolino, Hermit (circa 700-740): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Andrea Avellino, Priest, C.R. (1521-1608, Anglicized as Andrew): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Feria
The Letter to the Romans, chapter fifteen, verses fourteen thru twenty-one;
Psalm Ninety-eight, verses one, two & three(a/b), & three(c/d) & four;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter sixteen, verses one thru eight.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, like the steward in today's Gospel, we must regularly take a hard took at ourselves. What are our strengths and our weaknesses? Where do we need improvement? Where are we not in particularly good shape? Is our prayer life strong? Do we frequent the sacraments? Do we participate in the Mass? Are our lives focused around the corporal and spiritual works of mercy? Do we speak out against injustices and moral evils?Video reflection by Father Daniel Villarreal: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
And, like the steward, we must act with cleverness, firmness of purpose, and boldness. Enough wishy-washiness in the spiritual life! The time for action is now. Today, commit to making Jesus Christ and his demands the undisputed center of your life.
Mass Readings—Memorial of St. Leo the Great
The Book of Sirach, chapter thirty-nine, verses six thru ten;
Psalm Thirty-seven, verse thirty(a);
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter sixteen, verses thirteen thru nineteen.
Bible Study—Psalms & Proverbs
The Book of Psalms, psalm eleven (verses one thru seven);
The Book of Psalms, psalm twelve (verses one thru nine);
The Book of Psalms, psalm thirteen (verses one thru six);
The Book of Proverbs, chapter nine (verses one thru eighteen).
Commentary: Confidence in the Presence of God (Psalm 11), Prayer against Evil Tongues (Psalm 12), & Prayer in Time of Illness (Psalm 13); the Two Banquets (Proverbs, 9:1-18).
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