Operation AXIOM: Destination Moon—The 50th Anniversary of Apollo 14, Part I
31 January 1971: Apollo 14 lifted off from Florida's Kennedy Space Center, carrying Commander Al Shepard, C.M.P. Stu Roosa, & L.M.P. Ed Mitchell aboard the Command & Service Module Kitty Hawk atop a Saturn V rocket also carrying the Lunar Module Antares; it took a record six attempts for the Kitty Hawk to dock with & extract the Antares from the S-IVB third stage, endangering the landing.Bonus! Moonshot Songs o' the Day: Apollo 14
Michael Giacchino, "The Glory Days" from The Incredibles: Music from the Motion Picture (Space Cadet Mike Papa DSKY*)
National Aeronautics & Space Administration, "Apollo 14 Excerpt 1" from The Apollo Missions (Space Cadet Mike Papa DSKY)
Commentary: *The DSKY ("dis-kee," rhymes with whiskey) was the display & keyboard unit for the Apollo Guidance Computer. Calling myself Mike Papa DSKY instead of Mike Papa Whiskey was so obvious once I thought of it that I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it before. But such is inspiration.
Commentary: No two Apollo missions are more intertwined than Apollo 13 & Apollo 14. The crew of Apollo 14 were originally nominated to fly on Apollo 13, but N.A.S.A. management thought that they required more time for training & the crews swapped flights; after the post-Apollo 13 pause in the program, the trio of Shepard, Roosa, & Mitchell wound up training together longer than any other Apollo crew. At the time of launch, they were the least experienced Apollo crew: Roosa & Mitchell were rookies, & Shepard's spaceflight experience consisted of a fifteen-minute suborbital flight ten years earlier. Apollo 13 had been bound for the Fra Mauro Highlands, but never landed on the Moon; Apollo 14 took up the mission to Fra Mauro.
Semper exploro.
Est. 2002 | "This was a Golden Age, a time of high adventure, rich living, and hard dying… but nobody thought so." —Alfred Bester
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Saints + Scripture: IV Sunday in Tempus per annum
Simplex Edition | Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa!
'Tis the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Tempus per annum, "time through the year"): Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Week
Mass Readings—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Book of Deuteronomy, chapter eighteen, verses fifteen thru twenty;
Psalm Ninety-five (R/. eight), verses one & two; six & seven; & seven, eight, & nine;
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter seven, verses thirty-two thru thirty-five;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter one, verses twenty-one thru twenty-eight.
Commentary: Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Video reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire): Sunday Sermon.
Audio reflection by Scott Hahn, Ph.D. (St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology): Breaking the Bread.
'Tis the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Tempus per annum, "time through the year"): Wikipedia-link.
Scripture of the Week
Mass Readings—Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Book of Deuteronomy, chapter eighteen, verses fifteen thru twenty;
Psalm Ninety-five (R/. eight), verses one & two; six & seven; & seven, eight, & nine;
The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter seven, verses thirty-two thru thirty-five;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter one, verses twenty-one thru twenty-eight.
Commentary: Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, in today’s Gospel, we hear that Jesus came to Capernaum and entered the synagogue on a Sabbath, where he began to teach. Then it says that the "people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes." The ordinary teachers would have appealed to their own teachers and authorities, and finally to Moses and the Torah, which were unassailable.Video reflection by Father Greg Friedman, O.F.M. (U. S. C. of Catholic Bishops): Daily Reflection.
Now, what would prevent people from saying that he was just crazy? Well, watch what happens next. Into the synagogue there rushed a man with "an unclean spirit." And he knows who Jesus is: "I know who you are—the Holy One of God!"
But then Jesus demonstrates his authority: "‘Quiet! Come out of him!’ The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him." The claim to God’s own authority is now ratified by showing power over the spiritual realm.
And now they—and we—have to make a decision. Are we with him or are we against him? If he is who he says he is and who he demonstrates himself to be, then we have to give our lives to him.
Video reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire): Sunday Sermon.
Audio reflection by Scott Hahn, Ph.D. (St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology): Breaking the Bread.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Bonus! Song o' Today
Samstag, 30. Januar!
The Ataris, "The Boys of Summer" from So Long, Astoria (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: As long as we're thinking about Astoria, Oregon:
The Ataris, "The Boys of Summer" from So Long, Astoria (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: As long as we're thinking about Astoria, Oregon:
"Out on the road today
I saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac,
A little voice inside my head said,
'Don't look back, you can never look back.'
I thought I knew what love was,
What did I know?
Those days are gone forever,
I should just let 'em go, but—
"I can see you,
Your bare skin shining in the Sun,
You got the top rolled down
And the radio on, baby.
I can tell you,
My love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer are gone.
"I can see you,
Your bare skin shining in the Sun,
You got the hair slicked back
And those Wayfarers on, baby,
I can tell you,
My love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer are gone."
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Today!
Samstag, 30. Januar!
The Aquabats!, "Adventure Today!" from Myths, Legends, and Other Amazing Adventures, Vol. 2 (Captain Thumbs Up!)
The Aquabats!, "Adventure Today!" from Myths, Legends, and Other Amazing Adventures, Vol. 2 (Captain Thumbs Up!)
"'Cause Willie don't got an eye,
Willie don't got an eye,
He lost it on the Fourth of July,
Now he don't got an eye!
Willie don't got an eye,
Willie don't got an eye,
Things will never be the same,
'Cause Willie's eye is lame!
"Can we remember what we've got
Before we open our big mouths
To complain about the things we cannot change?
Instead of always asking why,
At least you've got your two good eyes,
We could try to find our zone or just sit and cry at home.
"Willie don't got an eye,
Willie don't got an eye,
He lost it on the Fourth of July,
Now he don't got an eye!
Willie don't got a—,
Willie don't got a—,
Willie don't got an eye,
He lost it on the Fourth of July,
Now he don't got an eye,
So don't cry, baby!"
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Yesterday
Freitag, 29. Januar
Fountains of Wayne, "Please Don't Rock Me Tonight" from Fountains of Wayne (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Fountains of Wayne, "Please Don't Rock Me Tonight" from Fountains of Wayne (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I was ready when the big day came,
My shoes were good and polished
And you know how bad I wished
I had somebody special to blame,
But you know I never care to
Lay a blame on for my hairdo…
"Baby, please don't rock me tonight,
Please don't rock me tonight,
Please don't rock me tonight,
I'm not in the mood…"
Saints + Scripture — Please Stand By
'Tis the Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time.
Like almost all Saturdays, 'tis an Optional Memorial of the Blessed Vigin Mary.
Like almost all Saturdays, 'tis an Optional Memorial of the Blessed Vigin Mary.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Saints + Scripture
Simplex Edition | Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa!
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
The Letter to the Hebrews, chapter ten, verses thirty-two thru thirty-nine;
Psalm Thirty-seven (R/. thirty-nine[a]), verses thre & four, five & six, twenty-three & twenty-four, & thirty-nine & forty;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter four, verses twenty-six thru thirty-four.
Commentary: Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Friday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time
The Letter to the Hebrews, chapter ten, verses thirty-two thru thirty-nine;
Psalm Thirty-seven (R/. thirty-nine[a]), verses thre & four, five & six, twenty-three & twenty-four, & thirty-nine & forty;
The Gospel according to Mark, chapter four, verses twenty-six thru thirty-four.
Commentary: Gospel reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, our Gospel for today features the parable of the mustard seed.Video reflection by Jem Sullivan, Ph.D. (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops): Daily Reflection.
How does God tend to work? From the very small to the very great—and by a slow, gradual process. God tends to operate under the radar, on the edges of things, quietly, clandestinely, not drawing attention to himself.
C.S. Lewis speaks to this principle. How, he asks, did God enter history? Quietly, in a forgotten corner of the Roman Empire, sneaking behind enemy lines. How was European Christianity established? Through the handful of people that listened to St. Paul in Philippi and Athens. How did the mighty Franciscan movement come to be? One odd, mystical kid who heard a voice coming from a crucifix: “Francis, rebuild my Church, which is falling into ruin.” A handful of followers joined him in his quixotic project, then dozens, then hundreds, then thousands.
So don’t be afraid to do small things at the prompting of God! Plant the seed, make the move, take the risk—take even the smallest step, and don’t worry about who notices or how much attention you’re getting. Sow the seed and leave the rest to the mercy and providence of God.
Thursday, January 28, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Songs o' the Day!
Real Can of Yams, "The Cowboy, the Indian, & the Cyborg" from CODENAME: Koala (Remaster) (The Last Angry Man)
The Aquabats!, "Cowboy Android Theme!" from The Aquabats! Super Show! Television Soundtrack: Volume One (Captain Thumbs Up!)
The Aquabats!, "Cowboy Android Theme!" from The Aquabats! Super Show! Television Soundtrack: Volume One (Captain Thumbs Up!)
Saints + Scripture — Please Stand By
The Popish Plot
"Doubting Thomas"
Commentary: I think it's weird that we released an episode about one Saint Thomas (the Apostle) on the feast of a different Saint Thomas (Aquinas), but it is what it is.
'Tis the Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church, O.P.
"Doubting Thomas"
Commentary: I think it's weird that we released an episode about one Saint Thomas (the Apostle) on the feast of a different Saint Thomas (Aquinas), but it is what it is.
'Tis the Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church, O.P.
The Stars My Destination: The Challenger Disaster
Operation AXIOM: The Space Age—The 35th Anniversary of S.T.S.-51-L
Thirty-five years ago to the day, 28 January 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-099) exploded during launch, killing her crew of seven: Commander Francis R. "Dick" Scobee, Pilot Michael Smith, Mission Specialist Ellison Onizuka, Mission Specialist Judith Resnik, Mission Specialist Ronald McNair, Payload Specialist Gregory Jarvis, & Payload Specialist Christa McAuliffe. Scobee, Onizuka, Resnik, & McNair had previously flown on the Space Shuttle; Smith, Jarvis, & McAuliffe were on their maiden spaceflights.The disaster was caused by the failure of an O-ring on one of the Challenger's two Solid Rocket Boosters. The O-ring contractor had warned N.A.S.A. against launching in the unusually cold temperatures on the morning of 28 January, but N.A.S.A. overruled the contractor, whose senior management then relented, against their own engineers' concerns. The disaster was not only foreseeable, but foreseen. N.A.S.A. violated numerous of its own procedures in going ahead with the doomed launch.The Challenger's mission, STS-51-L, which was to deploy a communications satellite & conduct observations of Halley's Comet, was more high profile than most Space Shuttle missions as 'twas the first flight of the Teacher in Space Project, with public schoolteacher Mrs. McAuliffe having been selected as an astronaut specifically for the ambitious educational outreach. She was to teach remotely from space via closed-circuit television. Your humble narrator was among the many schoolchildren around the country watching the launch live on television when the unthinkable happened. The Challenger disaster made a considerable impression on popular culture & was commemorated with an on-screen tribute at the beginning of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, released later in 1986. Colonel Onizuka, the first Asian-American astronaut, was the namesake of a shuttlecraft used in several episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, which debuted in 1987.The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded seventy-three seconds after liftoff, killing all seven of her crew, 28 January 1986, thirty-five years ago today.
Bonus! Song o' the Challenger Disaster
ThePhenomenauts, "Heroes" from For All Mankind (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Wayback Machine Tour of the Challenger Disaster
Wayback Machine '20
Wayback Machine '19
Wayback Machine '18
Wayback Machine '17
Wayback Machine '16
Thirty-five years ago to the day, 28 January 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger (OV-099) exploded during launch, killing her crew of seven: Commander Francis R. "Dick" Scobee, Pilot Michael Smith, Mission Specialist Ellison Onizuka, Mission Specialist Judith Resnik, Mission Specialist Ronald McNair, Payload Specialist Gregory Jarvis, & Payload Specialist Christa McAuliffe. Scobee, Onizuka, Resnik, & McNair had previously flown on the Space Shuttle; Smith, Jarvis, & McAuliffe were on their maiden spaceflights.The disaster was caused by the failure of an O-ring on one of the Challenger's two Solid Rocket Boosters. The O-ring contractor had warned N.A.S.A. against launching in the unusually cold temperatures on the morning of 28 January, but N.A.S.A. overruled the contractor, whose senior management then relented, against their own engineers' concerns. The disaster was not only foreseeable, but foreseen. N.A.S.A. violated numerous of its own procedures in going ahead with the doomed launch.The Challenger's mission, STS-51-L, which was to deploy a communications satellite & conduct observations of Halley's Comet, was more high profile than most Space Shuttle missions as 'twas the first flight of the Teacher in Space Project, with public schoolteacher Mrs. McAuliffe having been selected as an astronaut specifically for the ambitious educational outreach. She was to teach remotely from space via closed-circuit television. Your humble narrator was among the many schoolchildren around the country watching the launch live on television when the unthinkable happened. The Challenger disaster made a considerable impression on popular culture & was commemorated with an on-screen tribute at the beginning of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, released later in 1986. Colonel Onizuka, the first Asian-American astronaut, was the namesake of a shuttlecraft used in several episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, which debuted in 1987.The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded seventy-three seconds after liftoff, killing all seven of her crew, 28 January 1986, thirty-five years ago today.
Bonus! Song o' the Challenger Disaster
ThePhenomenauts, "Heroes" from For All Mankind (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Wayback Machine Tour of the Challenger Disaster
Wayback Machine '20
Wayback Machine '19
Wayback Machine '18
Wayback Machine '17
Wayback Machine '16
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
The Stars My Destination: The Apollo 1 Disaster
Operation AXIOM: Destination Moon—The 54th Anniversary of Apollo 1
Fifty-four years ago to the day, 27 January 1967, the crew of the first manned Apollo mission, AS-204, retroactively named Apollo 1—Command Pilot Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Senior Pilot Edward H. "Ed" White II, & Pilot Roger B. Chaffee—perished in a fire within their Command Module capsule, atop its Saturn IB rocket at Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 34 for a launch rehearsal test. The fire, electrical in nature, was exacerbated by the many highly-flammable materials within the Command Module, as well as the Command Module's high-pressure, pure-oxygen atmosphere. The high atmospheric pressure also prevented the astronauts from evacuating their swiftly immolating craft, a fatal design flaw that was subsequently corrected on all subsequent Apollo Command Modules.Grissom was one of the original "Mercury Seven" astronauts & the second American to fly in space; his two successful spaceflights were Mercury-Redstone 4 (the suborbital flight of the Liberty Bell 7) & Gemini 3 (commanding the Molly Brown, the only named Gemini capsule).
White, a University of Michigan alumnus, was among the "New Nine," Astronaut Group 2; his successful spaceflight was Gemini 4, during which he became the first American & second human to conduct an Extravehicular Activity (E.V.A.), or "spacewalk."
Chaffee, a native Michigander, was selected in Astronaut Group 3; Apollo 1 was to be his first spaceflight.The crew of Apollo 1 died in a catastrophic fire during a ground test that had not been considered hazardous, 27 January 1967, fifty-four years ago today.
Command Pilot Gus Grissom (1926-1967), in a press conference prior to the disaster:
Public Service Broadcasting, "Fire in the Cockpit" from The Race for Space (Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Wayback Machine Tour of the Apollo 1 Disaster
Wayback Machine '20
Wayback Machine '19
Wayback Machine '18
Wayback Machine '17
"The Explorers' Club," No. XXXV (2007)
Fifty-four years ago to the day, 27 January 1967, the crew of the first manned Apollo mission, AS-204, retroactively named Apollo 1—Command Pilot Virgil I. "Gus" Grissom, Senior Pilot Edward H. "Ed" White II, & Pilot Roger B. Chaffee—perished in a fire within their Command Module capsule, atop its Saturn IB rocket at Cape Kennedy's Launch Complex 34 for a launch rehearsal test. The fire, electrical in nature, was exacerbated by the many highly-flammable materials within the Command Module, as well as the Command Module's high-pressure, pure-oxygen atmosphere. The high atmospheric pressure also prevented the astronauts from evacuating their swiftly immolating craft, a fatal design flaw that was subsequently corrected on all subsequent Apollo Command Modules.Grissom was one of the original "Mercury Seven" astronauts & the second American to fly in space; his two successful spaceflights were Mercury-Redstone 4 (the suborbital flight of the Liberty Bell 7) & Gemini 3 (commanding the Molly Brown, the only named Gemini capsule).
White, a University of Michigan alumnus, was among the "New Nine," Astronaut Group 2; his successful spaceflight was Gemini 4, during which he became the first American & second human to conduct an Extravehicular Activity (E.V.A.), or "spacewalk."
Chaffee, a native Michigander, was selected in Astronaut Group 3; Apollo 1 was to be his first spaceflight.The crew of Apollo 1 died in a catastrophic fire during a ground test that had not been considered hazardous, 27 January 1967, fifty-four years ago today.
Command Pilot Gus Grissom (1926-1967), in a press conference prior to the disaster:
“If we die, we want people to accept it. We’re in a risky business, & we hope if anything happens to us it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk life. Our God-given curiosity will force us to go there ourselves, because in the final analysis only man can fully evaluate the Moon in terms understandable to other men.”Bonus! Song o' the Apollo 1 Disaster
Public Service Broadcasting, "Fire in the Cockpit" from The Race for Space (Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Wayback Machine Tour of the Apollo 1 Disaster
Wayback Machine '20
Wayback Machine '19
Wayback Machine '18
Wayback Machine '17
"The Explorers' Club," No. XXXV (2007)
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Goldfinger, "This Lonely Place" from The Best of Goldfinger (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"You come around to see your boyfriend,
You come around to feel the pain,
It was yesterday he tried to use you,
But you still go through it—
"Again You took it away,
again you let yourself stay,
"I've been around this lonely place,
Lonely place before,
I've been around this lonely place,
Lonely place before.
"You find out he's been lying to you,
You find he had another girl,
Still you never stand up for yourself,
You never stand up to him—
"He takes it away,
Again you let yourself stay,
Again you gave it to him,
You said it's the last time he does it again.
"'Cause I've been around this lonely place,
Lonely place before,
I've been around this lonely place,
Lonely place before…
"You got a choice to leave your place,
Your lonely place behind,
Be true to yourself now and let it go,
It's better than you think…"
Operation AXIOM: Yes, M!ch!gan!
Si Quæris Peninsulam Amœnam CircumspiceOne hundred eighty-four years ago to the day, 26 January 1837, Michigan was admitted into the Union as the twenty-sixth state of these United States of America. Under the protocols of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, Michigan's admission as a free state balanced Arkansas's 1836 admission as the slave state. The Michigan Territory's state constitution was approved by a convention in 1835, but Congressional approval was delayed until after the resolution of a border dispute with the State of Ohio (admitted 1803), which saw the "Toledo Strip" awarded to Ohio & what is now called the Upper Peninsula (U.P.) given to Michigan as compensation.Michigan is unique among the several states in being composed of two peninsulas. In addition to Michigan being surrounded by four of the five Great Lakes, there are almost sixty-five thousand lakes & ponds within these pleasant peninsulas; one is never more than six miles from a natural water source (a lake, river, or spring) nor more than eighty-five miles from a Great Lake. The name Michigan originates in an Ojibwe language word, mishigamaa, usually translated as "large water."Michigan was admitted to the Union, 26 January 1837, one hundred eighty-four years ago today.
("If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you")
TueborBonus! Song of Michigan's Statehood
("I will defend")
John Lee Hooker, "The Motor City Is Burning" from The Definitive Collection (Michigan Papa Wolverine)
The Wayback Machine Tour of Michigan's Statehood
183 Years—2020
182 Years—2019
181 Years—2018
180 Years—2017
Monday, January 25, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "California Sex Lawyer" from Out-of-State Plates (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I'm going coast to coast,
I'm going nationwide,
I got my hand on the trigger,
Got my girl by my side,
I got the looks that kill,
I got a license to love…
"I got big ideas,
I got backup plans,
I got the cha-cha-charisma,
Got the sleight of hand,
I'm gonna do some damage,
Gonna bust some heads,
I'm gonna go the distance,
Then I'm going to bed!…
"Well, It's not fair,
It's not fair,
It's not fair,
But, baby, I don't care."
Sunday, January 24, 2021
The Explorers' Club, № DCCXCVI
Operation AXIOM: The Space Race—The 60th Anniversary of Mercury-Redstone 2
31 January 1961: Mercury 2 lifted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, carrying Ham the Astrochimp (1957-1983, A.K.A. № 65) aboard an unnamed Mercury capsule atop a Redstone rocket; Ham's Redstone flew at a higher angle & greater velocity than planned; Ham splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean sixty miles beyond the recovery zone & was recovered by the U.S.S. Donner.Commentary: Ham, the first hominid in space, was officially known as Chimp № 65 until he was recovered from his Mercury capsule; N.A.S.A. apparently thought it would be bad for public relations if a named chimpanze died, but that the blow would less severe is the animal only had a number. Prior to the flight, № 65 was informally known as "Chang" or "Chop Chop Chang." After his retirement, Ham lived at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. & the North Carolina Zoo. There were plans to have Ham's body stuffed & displayed at the Smithsonian after his death, but this was considered gauche & he was given a dignified burial at the New Mexico Museum of Space History.Bonus! Song o' Mercury-Redstone 2
MxPx, "Major Tom (Coming Home)" from On the Cover II (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)
Semper exploro.
31 January 1961: Mercury 2 lifted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, carrying Ham the Astrochimp (1957-1983, A.K.A. № 65) aboard an unnamed Mercury capsule atop a Redstone rocket; Ham's Redstone flew at a higher angle & greater velocity than planned; Ham splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean sixty miles beyond the recovery zone & was recovered by the U.S.S. Donner.Commentary: Ham, the first hominid in space, was officially known as Chimp № 65 until he was recovered from his Mercury capsule; N.A.S.A. apparently thought it would be bad for public relations if a named chimpanze died, but that the blow would less severe is the animal only had a number. Prior to the flight, № 65 was informally known as "Chang" or "Chop Chop Chang." After his retirement, Ham lived at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. & the North Carolina Zoo. There were plans to have Ham's body stuffed & displayed at the Smithsonian after his death, but this was considered gauche & he was given a dignified burial at the New Mexico Museum of Space History.Bonus! Song o' Mercury-Redstone 2
MxPx, "Major Tom (Coming Home)" from On the Cover II (Space Cadet Mike Papa Whiskey)
Semper exploro.
Bonus! Song o' the Day
MxPx, "The Darkest Places" from Panic (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Maybe it is dangerous
To invite a stranger into the room with us,
The noise is growing louder but I'm not scared at all…
"You know I know you don't want this,
You don't need this.
"I'm shining the light on the darkest places,
You know and I know we have to face this now,
We have to face this now!
"The days are growing dark, what are we gonna do?
The countries in a panic when i turn on the tube,
So maybe I'll just wake up in the afternoon…
"You know I know you don't want this,
You can't dismiss.
"I'm shining the light on the darkest places,
You know and I know we have to face this now,
We have to face this now!
I'm shining the light on the darkest places,
Putting the word out, we have to face this now,
We have to face this now!…"
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Lord's Day: III
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time / Sunday of the Word of God
The New Main Street Singers, "The Good Book Song" from A Mighty Wind: The Album (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
The New Main Street Singers, "The Good Book Song" from A Mighty Wind: The Album (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Saturday, January 23, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Squirrel Nut Zippers, "Hell" from Hot (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: For a novelty song, the theology of "Hell" is pretty spot on.
Commentary: For a novelty song, the theology of "Hell" is pretty spot on.
"In the afterlife,
You could be heading for the serious strife,
Now you make the scene all day,
But tomorrow there'll be hell to pay…
"People, listen attentively,
I mean about future clamity,
I used to think the idea was obsolate,
Under I heard the Old Man tapping his feet.
"This is a place where eternally
Fire is applied to the body,
Feet are exruded and bones are ground,
And baked into cakes which are passed around…
"Beauty, talent, fame, money,
Refinement, top skill, and brains,
But all the things tou tired to hide,
Will be revealed on the other side…
"Now the D and the A and the M and the N, and the A and the T, & the I, O, N,
Lose your face, lose your name,
Then get fitted for a suit of flame,
Now the D and the A and the M and the N, and the A and the T, & the I, O, N,
Lose your face, lose your name,
Then get fitted for a suit of flame!"
Friday, January 22, 2021
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Hackensack" from Welcome Interstate Managers (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: Thus concludes our "Girl Trouble" series of R.B.D.S.O.T.D.
Commentary: Thus concludes our "Girl Trouble" series of R.B.D.S.O.T.D.
"And I will wait for you,
As long as I need to,
And if you ever get back to Hackensack,
I'll be here for you…"
Thursday, January 21, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Leonard Nimoy, "Spock Thoughts" from Spaced Out: The Very Best of Leonard Nimoy & William Shatner (Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Queue
The Fisherman's Tomb is a book I wanted to read for a long time, the fascinating story of the search for & conflict over the tomb of Saint Peter, the Prince of the Apostles & first pope, buried deep beneath the high altar of Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City State. Alas, it's rather simply drawn, with very clear good guys & bad guys; I'm not arguing for any kind of moral relativism, there are clear heroes & villains in almost all conflicts, but the historical persons described in The Fisherman's Tomb are presented as Saturday morning cartoon characters, either purely virtuous or completely corrupt. I'm still glad I read it, because the Vatican's secret search for the Fisherman's tomb is a fascinating story, whatever the shortcomings of the writing.
Cyril Jones-Kellett, Ad Limina
David Hobbs with Andrew Marriot, Hobbo: Motor Racer, Motor Mouth—The Autobiography of David Hobbs
John O'Neill, The Fisherman's Tomb: The True Story of the Vatican's Secret Search
Matthew Kelly, I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit
Karen L. Dwyer, Ph.D. & Lawrence A. Dwyer, J.D., W.R.A.P. Yourself in Scripture: Reading, Prayering, and Reflecting on Scripture with Journaling
Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ
Flannery O'Connor, Flannery O'Connor Collection
Michael Gorn, N.A.S.A.: The Complete Illustrated History
Brandon Vogt, What to Say and How to Say It: Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Matthew Kelly, Dig the Well Before You Get Thirsty: The Ultimate Prayer Journal to Prepare for the Inevitable and Explore the Possible—A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit
Cyril Jones-Kellett, Ad Limina
David Hobbs with Andrew Marriot, Hobbo: Motor Racer, Motor Mouth—The Autobiography of David Hobbs
John O'Neill, The Fisherman's Tomb: The True Story of the Vatican's Secret Search
Matthew Kelly, I Heard God Laugh: A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit
Karen L. Dwyer, Ph.D. & Lawrence A. Dwyer, J.D., W.R.A.P. Yourself in Scripture: Reading, Prayering, and Reflecting on Scripture with Journaling
Fulton J. Sheen, Life of Christ
Flannery O'Connor, Flannery O'Connor Collection
Michael Gorn, N.A.S.A.: The Complete Illustrated History
Brandon Vogt, What to Say and How to Say It: Discuss Your Catholic Faith with Clarity and Confidence
Matthew Kelly, Dig the Well Before You Get Thirsty: The Ultimate Prayer Journal to Prepare for the Inevitable and Explore the Possible—A Practical Guide to Life's Essential Daily Habit
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
New Found Glory, "All about Her" from New Found Glory (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Forget the way she was,
'Cause it's the things she does—
"That make me sing about her,
She knows I care about her,
She said, 'Be gentle, boy,
'You show a lack of character'…
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Red Dragon Tattoo" from Utopia Parkway (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Red dragon tattoo
Is just about on me,
I got it for you,
So now do you want me?
With nothing to prove,
Will you be my honey?
Oh yeah, in you I confide,
Red dragon tattoo,
I'm fit to be dyed,
Am I fit to have you?…"
Operation ÖSTERREICH: Post Holiday Edition
Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last weigh-in: 348.2 lbs (Wednesday, 30 December 2020)
This weigh-in: 338.0 lbs.
Difference: -10.2 lbs.
I was good throughout the Christmastide, better than I expected: I limited myself to just a few Christmas cookies & a few pieces of candy every day. This isn't rocket science, just don't eat too much & minimize sugarly drinks.Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Girls Just Want to Have Lunch" from Dare to Be Stupid (Mike Papa Watercress)
Last weigh-in: 348.2 lbs (Wednesday, 30 December 2020)
This weigh-in: 338.0 lbs.
Difference: -10.2 lbs.
I was good throughout the Christmastide, better than I expected: I limited myself to just a few Christmas cookies & a few pieces of candy every day. This isn't rocket science, just don't eat too much & minimize sugarly drinks.Bonus! Lied von ÖSTERREICH
"Weird Al" Yankovic, "Girls Just Want to Have Lunch" from Dare to Be Stupid (Mike Papa Watercress)
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' Inauguration Day
Fitz & the Tantrums, "Dear Mr. President" from Pickin' Up the Pieces (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: The long national nightmare of the Trump administration has ended. The long national nightmare of the Biden administration has just begun.
Commentary: The long national nightmare of the Trump administration has ended. The long national nightmare of the Biden administration has just begun.
Bonus! Song o' the Day
Matt Maher, "Instrument" from Saints and Sinners (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
"To the Father, and the Son,
And the Holy Spirit, Three in One,
I offer You myself,
Though I'm broken as well,
Let me be Your instrument,
Let me be Your instrument…"
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
The Explorers' Club, № DCCXCV
The Fra Mauro Map—Produced in Venice circa 1450 by the cartographer Fra Mauro, O.S.B. Cam. (1400-1464), a lay brother at the Monastery of San Michele in Isola, it is the most detailed & accurate world map produced up to that time, & prior to the discovery of the New World; the Fra Mauro Crater & surrounding Fra Mauro Highlands on the Moon are named in recognition of the great cartographer.Commentary: The Fra Mauro Highlands were the intended landing site of the Apollo 13 mission in 1970. After the in-flight disaster prevented Apollo 13 from landing on the Moon, Fra Mauro became the intended landing site of Apollo 14 in 1971.Semper exploro.
Bonus! Song o' the Fra Mauro Map
John Williams, "The Map Room: Dawn" from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Mike Papa Whiskey)
Bonus! Song o' the Fra Mauro Map
John Williams, "The Map Room: Dawn" from Raiders of the Lost Ark: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Mike Papa Whiskey)
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Strapped for Cash" from Trafic and Weather (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"And now I'm laying low, you know I'm tryin' to stall,
But I don't know how much longer I can dodge the calls…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day!
The Soulutions, "Do Right" from The Aquabats! and Horchata Reocrds Present Rice Capades Music Sampler Vol. 1 (Captain Thumbs Up!)
"Be good,
Do right,
Be kind to that beautiful girl.
Hold her close,
Tell her why
You want to be a part of her world.
Don't be scared
To be fair,
Try to laugh about your worries and cares.
Give a laugh,
Give a smile,
Don't to cruel to that beautiful girl…
"And if things aren't right,
Don't hold on to her.
And if she loves some other guy,
Watch what you say to her,
Remember that you love her and—
"Be good,
Do right,
Be kind to that beautiful girl…
"Be good,
Do right,
Be kind to the most beautiful girl in the world."
Monday, January 18, 2021
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountain of Wayne, "Traffic and Weather" from Traffic and Weather (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"One anchor turns and faces the other,
Says, 'It's time that I made you my lover'…
"Hey, Dan, I like those shorts, I've never seen 'em before,
I'd like 'em even more lying on my bedroom floor.
Don't run away, baby, hear what I say,
You know I sit here reading to you day after day,
Don't be scared, sit back down in your chair,
All I want to do is just stroke your hair…
"Jeff Scarborough turns to Sue Simmons,
Says, 'Sugar, you don't know what you're missin''…"
Sunday, January 17, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Lord's Day: II
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Kris Kristofferson, "Why Me" from The Essential Kris Kristofferson (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: God's grace is utterly unmerited & given freely. We don't have to earn God's love, which is good news, because we never could. God loves us because He is good, not because we are good. The question that faces each of us: How do we respond to that love & goodness?
Kris Kristofferson, "Why Me" from The Essential Kris Kristofferson (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: God's grace is utterly unmerited & given freely. We don't have to earn God's love, which is good news, because we never could. God loves us because He is good, not because we are good. The question that faces each of us: How do we respond to that love & goodness?
"Why me, Lord?
What have I ever done
To deserve even one
Of the pleasures I've known?
"Tell me, Lord,
What did I ever do
That was worth loving You
For the kindness You've shown?…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
The Ninjas, "Emma" from Platypus (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Now I know that I made a mistake and I loved you all along,
Please, girl, just let me try to make it right,
And I don't know what to do if I still can't get over you,
Please, girl, just give our love another try,
Give it a try, oh darling, or just let me die…
"I can't let you go even though I said 'Goodbye,'
I love you still, I'll love you 'til the day I die,
I want my best friend back, I'll treat her like my queen,
With one more chance I'd show her what love really means…
"What I've been trying to say is I can't live without you anymore,
No,I can't live without you, darling, anymore."
Saturday, January 16, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
The Interrupters, "By My Side" from Say It Out Loud (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna die,
I don't wanne die,
Buf if I do die,
Do die,
I know you'll be by my side!…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Half a Woman" from Out-of-State Plates (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"They called him Great Scott, because he was great,
They called her Great Susan, 'cause she was his date,
She climbed in a box, he cut her in two,
And when he was through she was just half a woman…
"The show went the same way year after year,
He'd wave his magic wand and she'd disappear,
One day she asked, 'How did this come to be?
'Somewhere there must be more to me.'
"One day she left, she climbed through the stage,
Intot he trap door under the lion's cage,
And after a spell he said,'What the hell,
'It was just as well. She was just alf a women.'"
Friday, January 15, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Bombskare, "Wanna Be Famous" from A Million Ways to Die (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I wanna be famous (woo!), any which way,
I wanna be famous (woo hoo!) at the end of the day,
I wanna be famous (woo!), star of the show,
I wanna be famous (woo hoo!), for why I don't know.
"I wanna go far, I wanna succeed,
Where is the line between ambition and greed?…
"Just wanna be famous (woo!), any which way,
Just wanna be famous (woo hoo!) at the end of the day,
Just wanna be famous (woo!), star of the show,
Just wanna be famous (woo hoo!), for why I don't know.
"Andy Warhol promised me my fifteen minutes of fame,
Andy Warhol promised me my fifteen minutes of fame…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Nil Lara, "Fighting for My Love" from Nil Lara (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I was taught when I was young,
To share myself, to show my love,
Smile at everyone,
Oh, to shine above the sun.
Now I'm standing next to you,
I think I've changed my point of view,
I've noticed you can tell,
You're fighting for my love.
"For my love,
Yes, you're fighting for my love,
For my love,
Oh yeah, you're fighting for my love!
"Many times I tried to talk,
To let you know someday I'd walk.
In me you found a drug,
An addiction to my love.
I could swear I let you know,
I tried one day to let you go,
You fight me all along,
Yes, you're fighting for my love…
"Now I'm calling back for you,
I figured out I'm missing you,
You're nowhere to be found,
Oh, I've asked and looked around,
Seems you found a better fish,
I must confess I had a wish
To love you all along,
But you fight me for my love,
My love, fight me for my love…"
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Michael and Heather at the Baggage Claim" from Traffic and Weather (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Michael and Heather at the baggage claim,
Tired of playing the waiting game,
Every bag has got a different name,
Michael and Heather may never get home again.
"Michael and Heather at the lost and found,
Looking for luggage that's soft and brown,
'Sir, I'm so sorry, it's just not around,'
Michael and Heather are glad to be on the ground.
"It's been a long, long day,
Can't we just be on our way?
It's been a long, long day,
Can't we just be on our way?
"Michael and Heather on the shuttle bus,
Standing alongside the rest of us,
Michael says, 'Heather, have you had enough?'
Heather says, 'Michael, you know that it's you I love.'"
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Eminem, "Lose Yourself" from 8 Mile: Soundtrack from the Motion Picture (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment,
You own it, you better never let it go,
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime…"
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
The Interrupters, "Easy on You" from The Interrupters (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"But why, oh why are you making it,
Are you making it so hard?
"Be easy on yourself,
Be easy on yourself,
Be easy on yourself,
'Cause nobody's been easy on you…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Reel Big Fish, "Please Don't Tell Her I Have a Girlfriend" from Monkeys for Nothin' and the Chimps for Free (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
Skammentary: "Please Don't Tell Her I Have a Girlfriend" is a deeply immoral song, which just also happens to be freaking hilarious.
Skammentary: "Please Don't Tell Her I Have a Girlfriend" is a deeply immoral song, which just also happens to be freaking hilarious.
"Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
'Cause it's so hard, can't even pretend
That I only want to be her friend.
"Well, I don't deserve it, you know that it's true,
But she said that she would and you know I would, too,
Oh, oh, what am I gonna do?
"Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
'Cause it's so hard, can't even pretend
That I only want to be her friend.
"Well, I know that actions speak louder than words,
And thinking is bad but doing's much worse,
Oh, oh, but I'm so perverse.
"Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
Please don't tell her I have a girlfriend,
'Cause it's so hard, can't even pretend
That I only want to be her friend…"
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
The Explorers' Club, № DCCXCIV
Ménière's Disease (M.D.)—An inner ear disorder characterized by transient bouts of vertigo, tinnitus, & hearing loss; first described by French physician Prosper Menière (1799-1862), the cause remains unknown & there is no universal cure; Alan Shepard (1923-1998), the first American & second human in space, was grounded with Menière's from 1963-1969 & treated with an experimental surgery.Semper exploro.
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
They Might be Giants, "The Shadow Government" from The Else (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Driving home from my meth lab,
Realized something had changed,
Looked in the sky,
Saw with my eye,
The Moon was following me!
"Where's the shadow government when you need it?
Where's the shadow government?
It's a bad, bad world,
It's a bad, bad world…
"Crawling out of the flophouse,
I saw the mayor stealing my junk,
I doth protest,
Citizen's arrest,
Now my body's in his trunk.
"Where's the shadow government when you need it?…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
New Found Glory, "Boy Crazy" from New Found Glory (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Some girls are crazy!
Just listen to what I have to say about it:
You've gotta watch out for the beautiful ones…
"This song, goes out to girls
That we haven't met just yet.
This song is for stupid girls
Who think that every boy is all about them,
About them…"
Monday, January 11, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Bright Future in Sales" from Welcome Interstate Managers (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I'm gonna get my shit together,
'Cause I can't live like this forever…"
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Stacy's Mom" from Welcome Interstate Managers (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Stacy, cant you see?
You're just not the girl for me…"
Sunday, January 10, 2021
The R.B.D. Song o' the Lord's Day: Baptism o' the Lord
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Alison Krauss, "Down to the River to Pray" from O Brother, Where Art Thou? Music from a Film by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Alison Krauss, "Down to the River to Pray" from O Brother, Where Art Thou? Music from a Film by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Avril Lavigne, "Souvenir" from Head above Water (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"Will you write to me? In time we'll see,
Maybe spend your whole life with me…"
Saturday, January 9, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the 16th Day o' Christmas
Séan McCann, "Merry Christmas, Everyone" from Happy Holidays, from Séan (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
"A Child is born, forever,
A Child is born, for everyone,
Lift up your hearts and hear His laughter,
A new year has begun…
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Leave the Biker" from Fountains of Wayne (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"He's got his arm around every man's dream,
And crumbs in his beard from the seafood special.
Oh, can't you see my world is falling apart?
Baby, please leave the biker, leave the biker, break his heart.
Baby, please leave the biker, leave the biker, break his heart…"
Friday, January 8, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the 15th Day o' Christmas
Friday after Epiphany
Barenaked Ladies, "I Saw Three Ships" from Barenaked for the Holidays (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Barenaked Ladies, "I Saw Three Ships" from Barenaked for the Holidays (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
"I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
"And all the bells on Earth shall ring,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
And all the bells on Earth shall ring,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
"Let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
Let us all rejoice again,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
"I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day,
I saw three ships come sailing in,
On Christmas Day in the morning.
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Reel Big Fish, "Beer" from Turn the Radio Off (Rude Boy Mike Papa Whiskey)
"She called me late last night to say she loved me so,
Didn't matter any more,
I'll say she never cared and that she never will,
Do it all again, I guess I'll have to wait until then…
"She called me late last night to say she loved me so,
But I guess she changed her mind,
Well, I should have known it wouldn't be alright,
I can't live without her, so I won't even try…
"Maybe someday I'll think of what to say,
Maybe next time I'll remember what to do,
She looks like heaven, maybe this is hell,
She says she'd do it all again, she promised not to tell…"
Thursday, January 7, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the 14th Day o' Christmas
Barenaked Ladies & Sarah McLachlan, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen/We Three Kings" from Barenaked for the Holidays (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Bonus! Girl Trouble Song o' the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Someone to Love" from Traffic and Weather (Mike Papa Whiskey)
"When it's late (When it's late) and it's hot (And it's hot),
And a date with The Late Show is all that you got,
Don't give out (Don't give out), don't give up (Don't give up),
One of these nights you might find someone to love…
"When it's late (When it's late) and it's hot (And it's hot),
And an hour in the shower is the best that you got,
Don't give out (Don't give out), don't give up (Don't give up),
One of these nights you might find someone to love…
"And you're not the only one who's lonely,
And you're not the only one who's lonely…"
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
The Rebel Black Dot Song o' the 13th Day o' Christmas
Optional Memorial of Saint André Bessette
The Klezmonauts, "We Three Kings of Orient Are" from Oy to the World: A Klezmer Christmas (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: 'Tis also the traditional date for the celebration of the Epiphany. The twelve days of Christmas count the twelve days from the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (inclusive) 'til the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.
The Klezmonauts, "We Three Kings of Orient Are" from Oy to the World: A Klezmer Christmas (St. Mike Papa Whiskey)
Commentary: 'Tis also the traditional date for the celebration of the Epiphany. The twelve days of Christmas count the twelve days from the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (inclusive) 'til the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.
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