Monday, December 13, 2004

Vote For Kodos - The Rain in Spain
The Spaniards are the absolute worst people in Europe, even worse than the Swiss, whose economy is based on gold stolen by the Nazis from their Jewish victims. Even worse than the Dutch, who burn mosques as a pasttime. Even worse than the French, who fought like hell to keep Algeria enslaved. I feel sympathy for the victims of 3/11, especially since their deaths were in vain once their country gave the jihadists exactly what they wanted. Hyperlink.

Never Girl and Never Boy have bought a house in Sacramento, which I have dubbed the Neverhaus. Buying a house together is a much bigger step than sharing an apartment. Thus, because they are now basically common-law married, their nicknames will henceforth be Mr. and Mrs. Never. I really like the term Neverhaus.

Hello, Kitty
I was at Sam's veterinarian's office today to pick up some medicinal food meant to help his ailing kidneys. I said "Hello" to Skeeter's mom in the lobby, but she didn't recognize me. Beginning Thursday, I will once again be taking care of Patrick and Tyson; so, look for the return of "Pug Uglies" posts. They are such horrible monsters!

Have a stargazing night.

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