Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Finally, a NASA mission that strikes the perfect balance between science and destruction.

"Good news, everyone!" NPR's Daniel Schorr thinks Dan Rather bears no responsibility at all for the forged memos debacle. I'd agree if Rather had declared, "Hey, don't blame me, I'm just a new reader." But no, The Dan still claims to be a journalist.

Speaking of the two Dans, I recently learned that President Nixon did not have an actual enemies list. I find this very disappointing. To wit:

Mike Wilson's Enemies List
Mike Wilson (the dark bastard)
Rick Wilson

Honestly, one of my problems is that I have so few enemies left. With the exception of Meine Vater, with whom I'll be locked in combat until one of us is dead, I have defeated or left behind all of my old enemies: Sean Dale, Mrs. Kozad, Uncle Jerry, Captain Obvious and the Idiot Brigade. All have been neutralized and pose no further threat. Some would say it's good to have no enemies, but I find talking to those people in no way worthwhile. A man needs enemies, victories to win, defeats to overcome, a struggle to make life more lively. Anyone want to be my enemy? I promise to crush you. Any takers?

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