No. LXXVI - The short-lived Republic of Hatay (1938-39).

Hatay is the sliver of Turkey between Syria and the Mediterranean Sea.
My first hint of the existence of Hatay came in 1989, during Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade; to my ten-year-old mind, it seemed a fictional country, a Middle Eastern Ruritania. Recently, to my surprise and delight, I learned that the Republic of Hatay was real, however briefly. I hereby invite you all to explore this fascinating tale and hope that it adds to the nigh-frenzied level of excitement surrounding the release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull!
Despite my love of nearly all things Lucasfilm, I will not be seeing Crystal Skull until Sunday, when all of the core Blue Tree Whackers will see it together the day after The Guy's wedding in Saint Louis.
Irrevocable Shackles: Matrimania - Saint Louis
Speaking of which, the plan was for me to carpool to Saint Louis from *shiver* Columbus, Ohio with two Married cohorts, but the wife is no longer attending the wedding. I am not allowed to ask any questions about her; so, I do not know why she is boycotting the nuptial festivities, but now it will be just her husband and I on the drive to and from the Gateway to the West. Huzzah? And whilst there I shall represent Team Bachelor to the best of my ability. Stay unshackled or die trying!
Also, The Gal informs me that I shall be required to consume at her and The Guy's reception "as much [alcohol] as twelve people": not as much hooch as might slake the thirst of twelve people at said reception, but a quantity of alcohol equivalent to the internal volume of twelve average-sized people. Ho boy, that's a lot of booze. I cannot help but think of Buster's old line from Tiny Toons, when meeting Babs's father, "Gee, sir, you must displace a great deal of water when submerged." Bottoms up!
During Matrimania - D.C., Brother-in-L.A.W. opened my palate to an appreciation for gin; so, perhaps I'll break up my usual beer-only reception diet with a gin and tonic, or perhaps a gin martini. I despise the taste of vodka and did not at all enjoy the one or two vodka martinis I've ever imbibed.
Believe: Red Wings 4-1 Stars
Twelve down, four to go! Best of seven: Detroit 4-2 Dallas.
And that, gentlemen, is how we do that. Recall the sage words of Saturday Night Latham, "It's nice to see that when breaks go against the Red Wings... they just shrug it off and go about their business." Hear hear! More to come before Matrimania - Saint Louis.
I dropped by good ol' McFarlen Library this afternoon in response to a notification of the arrival of a book on ***CENSORED*** that I'd requested, more research for Project TROIKA, and after browsing the shelves I also borrowed How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips on Defending Yourself Against the Coming Rebellion by Daniel H. Wilson. (I already have a huge backlog in my reading, but I am like a magpie, I cannot resist that which is new and/or shiny. And this book is both! At least new to me.) Ye olde internet informs me that Mr. Wilson's "H." stands for Howard, and How to Survive a Robot Uprising is dedicated, "For Howard Wilson." While probably a relative of the author's, I could not help but think, "He's dedicating a book to my late grandfather? Or my uncle, his eldest son and namesake?" Ah, the joys of a ridiculously common surname.
(Go ahead, type "Michael Wilson" and "Mike Wilson" into Wikipedia.)
Who Used To Own It?
I have sorely neglected both "The Explorers Club" and Who Used To Own It? since Matrimania - D.C., but we begin to reverse that trend today. To those of you who have already submitted your answers to the latest round, you have my sincerest thanks for playing. For those who have not, there is yet time to get in on the fun! Through the hyperlink below, you'll have one last chance to play Who Used To Own It? East Indies Edition. Answers and scoring for Round One will be posted on Memorial Day, along with the queries for Round Two. Good luck and have fun!
Grandson of Direct Hyperlink.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Mu330, "Favorite Show" from Mu330 (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Not to be confused with Mu330 front man Dan Potthast's solo project song "My Favorite Song."
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