Happy birthday to The Watergirl! One of my favorite things about my friendship with The Watergirl is the unbridgeable gulf between so many of our opinions. We have widely divergent, irreconcilable views on religion, politics, & interpersonal relations. And these are not merely things about which we disagree, these are also issues in which we are both heavily invested, for which we are both vociferous advocates. And yet in person we get along famously. Perhaps because of the many things about which we agree, among them Michigan football, college hockey, & music. (We often disagree about music, but The Watergirl's got way better taste than, for example, Daddy Dylweed.) Or perhaps simply because we are friends, and that simple, infinitely complex relationship trumps all other considerations. The Watergirl is wrong, dead wrong about all sorts of things, but I know myself to be lucky to be able to count her amongst my friends, and even moreso to be counted amongst hers. Happy birthday, Katie!
The Explorers Club
No. CXC - Whittaker Chambers (1901-1961), Communist spy, anti-Communist firebrand, & self-contradictory witness; & Alger Hiss (1904-1996), diplomat, perjurer, & probable Communist spy.

The Rebel Black Dot Songs of the Day
The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, "Katie" from Medium Rare (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Kindly pay no mind to the lyrics of "Katie," I'm just glad to be able to present a R.B.D.S.O.T.D. besides Barenaked Ladies's "Maybe Katie" on The Watergirl's birthday. The Belle of Beantown knows I mean well.
Freitag, 17 September
Less Than Jake, "Negative Sides of Optimistic Eyes" from the Absolution for Idiots and Addicts E.P. (T.L.A.M.)
Donnerstag, 16 September
Zolof the Rock & Roll Destroyer, "Death or Radio" from Schematics (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: "Let's hold hands and listen to shitty bands."
What's so maybe about me, anyway? :)
Not a thing… though some of us who are far taller than you prefer might grumble resentfully, but even then only because we know we're missing out on how great you are.
More about Whittaker Chambers at WhittakerChambers.org
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