Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Stars My Destination | Obamboozled
As is said within the body of the following, "bittersweet" is the perfect word: Discovery-link. The end of the Shuttle Program didn't have to happen this way, & should never have happened 'til N.A.S.A. was ready to field the Space Shuttle's replacement. This bitterness is tempered by the sweet memory of what America used to be capable of doing, before President Obama ordered us to stop dreaming & brought an unceremonious American manned spaceflight.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day: SKApril
RX Bandits, "Gun In Your Hand" from Halfway Between Here & There (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: There is an argument to be made for writing the name of the RX Bandits as "℞ Bandits," because the original name of the band was the Pharmaceutical Bandits & the RX is meant to reflect ℞. But the name is pronounced "R-X-Bandits," not, for example, the "Prescription Bandits;" so, I think it best to use the RX spelling.

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