Saturday, September 29, 2012

I've taken four pedometer readings, & all four are identical but for a 1.33% variance, which is good enough for government work. Combining these data with tripodometer readings from the Lumi the Snow Queen, motoring a mirror reflection of my route, since of course pedestrians walk against the flow of traffic, & I am satisfied that the length of my daily course is two & a half miles. A suspiciously round number, I admit, but this distance is biased toward the pedometer data, which shows a shorter course than the tripodometer data. It should be recorded as 2.525 miles, but 2.5 miles is easier for my bookkeeping &, again, good enough for gov't work. Bookkeeping? I've kept a log of my daily constitutional intervals using the iCal program on my Macintosh since I resumed the daily constitutional shortly after Labor Day, & now that I'm satisfied with my estimate of the course distance I'm also logging the distance I've trekked, with an eye toward monitoring shoe degradation. (Mrs. Skeeter, Esq. ventured that part of the reason my feet were so abused by Objective FINNLAND back in '10 is that I was shod in worn-out shoes, & I think it a hypothesis worth further examination.)

The Rebel Black Dot Songs of the Day
The Glenn Miller Orchestra, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" from Glenn Miller's 50 Finest (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: The lyrics of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" are modernized to the 1940s in this rendition, which is irksome, but that is not to say some of the lyrical turns of phrase are not amusing in & of themselves.

"Uncle Sam will prove he's still the champ,
He'll close up shop & break up camp,
And we'll all feel gay
When Johnny comes marching home."

Freitag, 28 September
Go Sailor, "Fine Day for Sailing" from Go Sailor (T.L.A.M.)


"This is the last time that I'll wish you dead,
I think I've decided to like you instead…"

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