Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Girls of September '79
Best wishes for the happiest of birthdays to Mrs. Skeeter, Esq. (née Skeeter)! Mrs. Skeeter, Esq. is a wonderful representation of why I am so disdainful of most persons. Her mind is so agile, her heart is so black (her own colorful description), her tongue is so sharp, that I see the heights to which a Homo sapiens might aspire, & am repulsed by those who are satisfied with the depths to which they've sunk. Others simply pale by the comparison. Happy birthday, Julie!

The CADMUS Endeavour
Novels to author include, but are not limited to:
The Dismal Science
The Misery Index
Tragedy of the Commons
To Live & Die at Scapa Flow (not Life & Death at Scapa Flow!)

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Fountains of Wayne, "Hey Julie" from Welcome Interstate Managers (Michael P.)

Commentary: I know of no reason to resist this particular annual temptation.

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