Saturday, February 23, 2013

K. Steeze thinks it time to begin Project TRIANGLE, the writing of the first sequel to the Project TROIKA novel. Without the slightest trace of irony, "Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!" We are currently on Tier 3 of TROIKA, editing & the generation of revised drafts. Recently, his Golden State band Super Boat Warp released it's first E.P., Fire All Weapons! after a long gestation, & I suspect he wishes to devote the energy he used to direct to the S.B.W. E.P. to Tier 1 of TRIANGLE, even as he also continues to work on Projects TROIKA (along with The Ace) & PALINDROME. Steeze long-ago discovered that the secret to productivity is staying busy, possibly even too busy. I am only too thrilled at the prospect of returning to the characters & the world created for the TROIKA novel—How I cannot wait, dear readers, to reveal to you the still-secret title!—& seeing where we can take them, how we can grow & change them, in the TRIANGLE novel.

Grow or die.

Operation AXIOM
'Tis Purim, from sunset today 'til sunset to-morrow. Ready your ratchets to blot out the hated name of Haman! We here at The Secret Base are Gentiles of course, but admire greatly the indefatigable vim of our Jewish brethren; we are also an ardent Zionist.

Man, I wish I'd been able to see the original edit of Home for Purim before it was re-shot & released as Home for Thanksgiving. (A prize to whomever first identifies the reference.)

Coming Attractions
{a} Still: The long-delayed successor to "Vote for Kodos" & "Obamboozled."
{b} Status updates on Projects PALINDROME & PARAFFIN.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Dr. John, "Desitively Bonnaroo" from the Rhino Hi-Five: Dr. John E.P. (T.L.A.M.)


The Guy said...

No prize necessary. To know a Christopher Guest movie is reward in itself.

Mike Wilson said...

Well put, old chum. Though, one could argue that the prize is still up for grabs, as you identified the reference implicitly but not explicitly. A moot point, though, unless other prize-seekers partake.