Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Today is the memorial of Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin (1474-1548), to whom was revealed the Marian apparition known under the title Our Lady of Guadalupe: Saint-link Unus, Saint-link Duo, & Wikipedia-link.

Commentary: From the church bulletin:
Juan Diego's native name Cuauhtlatoatzin ("one who speaks like an eagle") means one who speaks with great authority. It's fitting description. Because of Juan Diego's evangelization, an estimated nine million Indians converted to the Christianity of La Moreñita ("the beloved dark lady").
Scripture of the Day
Personal Reading
The Acts of the Apostles, chapters thirteen & fourteen (because I did not finish yesterday's reading yesterday, but have already completed yesterday's & today's reading today).

Daily Mass Readings
The Book of Isaiah, chapter forty, verses one through eleven;
Psalm Ninety-six;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter eighteen, verses twelve through fourteen.

Commentary: I don't always go back & read the Mass readings on those days when I attend Mass. Yesterday, having heard the readings read at Mass, I did not read them. I read this Sunday's readings ahead of reading them aloud at the vigil Mass on Saturday.

I don't expect even sharp-eyed readers to have caught the following, because I only noticed it when I did today's reading: Sunday's O.T. reading was Isaiah, 40:1-5, 9-11; today's was Isaiah, 40:1-11; the only difference is Sunday's omission of verses 6-8. I started reading & thought, "Wait a second, didn't I just read this?" I was more familiar with the reading than I would otherwise be, due to my preparations to read aloud at Mass. I wonder how often this overlap/repetition occurs. Time shall tell, if I remain diligent.

After four weeks, I am declaring my beard returned. The whiskers themselves are still too short & so the beard is not yet satisfactorily full, but 'tis unmistakably my beard. 'Twas last week that it first started to assume the appearance of my beard, instead of just stubble. There is still a long way to go before a full return to glory, but I am patient. O happy day, I look like me again!

Last week, I espied a Fisker Karma. I could not but laugh at the rolling monument to Man's hubris/avarice/self-aggrandizement/pick whichever negative attribute you fancy.

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