Thursday, December 10, 2015

He's Dead, Jim

I have a cold. It feels like this is the tail end, but my nose is still stuffy & while my throat isn't sore to the point of being raw, my voice—my precious voice!—isn't what it should be. The timing stinks, as tomorrow night, Friday, 11 December, is the annual Christmas Cantata at St. Pius X Catholic Church in Flint Township, a joint concert by the choirs of St. Pius X, Holy Redeemer, & musicians from U. of M.—Flint & M.S.U., et al. This will be my third year performing in the Cantata, so by this point I have a little bit of confidence in my ability to sing the show—if, of course, I had my voice, my normal voice. By Lucifer's beard!

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