Saturday, September 7, 2002

The July and August issues of The Newsletter have finally been mailed out. (I am a firm believer in "better late than never.") Excellent progress has been made on the new website and it should be launching shortly. (Maybe we should have a vastly inflated IPO?) The envelopes are all ready for September's first issue, Vol. IV, No. 1 - which will be mailed out on Monday come Hell or high water - to be followed two weeks later by an issue marking The Newsletter's first birthday.

Tomorrow, I get to recert for new Lifeguard and CPR cards. I don't know why, but lately I've had this great sense that things are starting to come together; the dark bastard remains silent, which is his way of pouting. "I have great faith in my own invincibility." Anything repeated often enough eventually becomes the truth. All this, and my shameful infatuation with Avril Lavigne continues.

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