Thursday, July 10, 2003

Another day gone in the blink of an eye. Man, I didn't even have that much fun and the time still flew. Then again, every day is fun when you get to walk around as me; honestly, I don't understand how you people can stand being so incredibly not Mike Wilson.

The Future of Star Trek
I like Enterprise, but I cannot shake the feeling that the only way for Star Trek to survive and thrive is to move forward; set a century before Jim Kirk's days of pot-bellied glory, Enterprise is inherently a step backwards, at the same time bold and conservative.

Between the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation and last year's film Star Trek: Nemesis, we have seen fifteen consecutive years of continuity in the 24th century. The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and, alas, Star Trek: Voyager (give me the money to make Star Trek: Odyssey and I'll blow your fucking socks off!) comprise the "TNG era," the single most elaborate and rich period in the history of the future. It would be foolish and short-sighted to not take advantage of that rich legacy. The Next Generation began as a new epoch, the first time Star Trek had taken place beyond the confines of Jim Kirk's era and contemporaries; thus, one could make an argument that the way to properly go forward would be to advance to yet another epoch and once again start from scratch.

I think this would be a mistake. When it began, The Next Generation sucked assballs. The series pilot, "Encounter at Farpoint," is very possibly the worst two hours in the franchise's now 37-year history. The TNG era did not reach its height until a decade later with DS9, the greatest of all Treks. Taking advantage of the framework of the TNG era does not guarantee a quality show (exhibit A: fucking Voyager), but it does save you a great deal of work, allowing the creators more time to concentrate on developing intriguing, complex characters and compelling, multi-faceted situations.

Following this logic, the Bald Mountain and I have spawned three ideas, one or all of which I may develop as I have Odyssey. These are extremely basic concepts at the moment, easily identified as titles:
Star Trek: Dominion
Star Trek: New Tomorrow
Star Trek: Farthest Star

If you hate this facet of my blog, sucks to be you. Of course, if you don't like this kind of stuff to begin with, it already sucks to be you. Loser.

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