Thursday, July 31, 2003

The order in which you place discs in your CD player is important. For instance, it is very jarring to go from the end of Guster's Keep It Together, "I Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today," to Fizzy Banger's eight-second rock-out at the beginning of Short Music For Short People.

I'm a social butterfly. Tuesday, I went to Leopold Bros. and Conor's for Pelsky's birthday (the big deuce-deuce). Of course, his jackass friend Malis (pronounced: malice) made him smoke a couple cigs, causing Pelsky to sick up in the Leopold's bathroom. Yesterday, I was up in GB at the US23 drive-in with Skeeter. Her unabashed enthusiasm made Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life sufferable, much to my embarrassment. I'm praying for rain tonight because I really don't want to go to work.

Today's just not my day. Nothing's gone wrong, but I can tell that I'm just not going to get the hang of today; so, why bother trying.

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