Thursday, November 27, 2003

Fooey, I don't want to work tomorrow.

"Friend or foe" or "friend or faux"?

I want there to be an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise called "The Pirates of Orion."

My sister's here! I only see here a couple; so, it's always cool when it happens. She's shocked and horrified at our father's behavior (nothing he has done today, just his general descent into madness). The Bassoonatic is coming tomorrow; so, the Mountain's attention is focused solely on her. Hmmm, should I be happy for him or bitter that he isn't paying attention to me? Eh, for a change of pace, I'll take the high road. (And get to Scotland before ye!)

I'm worried about Skeeter, but am uncertain how (or if) to help. Hmmm, I need me some manner of all purpose emotional panacea. But then I guess adding "all-purpose" to "panacea" is redundent. Fuck. I may not be bright, but at least I'm still pretty.

I had a brief IM conversation with Sardine tonight. My bro was online talking to the Bassoonatic when Sardine IMed him. She asked about me and I talked to her when he went to the w.c. I should attempt to reestablish regular communication with her; my intention is more than friendship, but that would be fine, too.

Prompted by the Thanksgiving deadline, I finally squared away my stuff. The computer room looks good. David's room looks good. My room looks good. I could take this opportuniety to chastise myself for procrastinating for months, but instead I think I'll just congratulate myself on a job well done.

"Was that great or what?"
"They are strangely silent, m'lord Lord. I must assume that they are either overawed by your presentation or mass vomiting will shortly ensue."
"Awe. Definately awe."
"You don't really believe that...?"
"No. But denial can be a marvelous survival tool."
"I think it would be wise to flee at once, sir."

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