Monday, October 16, 2006

Fat Man Running
As much as I enjoyed Lazy Sunday, it felt good to get back to the old grind today. Sadly, the woman we've dubbed Oprah was in the "fitness center" when we arrived; so, we had to endure harrowing fifteen minutes of Oprah before the treadmill became available. Gah! But I had a good run after she left and was able to catch all of Pardon the Interruption. An episode of Seinfeld I had never seen was on while I finished up my run and lifted. Do you know how rare a previously unseen Seinfeld is? It's not like finding five dollars, which is pretty awesome, it's like finding buried treasure!

After the episode proper concluded, I quit the weight room and ran to BTW South in the hopes of catching the end credits scene. (In a purely and pathetically relative way, of course, but) Man, I flew! I've never been fast, and I'm still not, but I'd never moved so quickly with such ease. Yes, I've run faster, the most prominent example being the flat-out, running-for-my-life sprint through the dark woods around Laura's dad's house when I acccidentally triggered the security lights during the one and only TP-ing to which I have ever been a party, but this dash was so effortless! It felt grand, folks, just grand.

And then I found five dollars.

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