Monday, September 10, 2007

The Girls of September '79
Happy birthday to Mrs. Sacramento (née Never Girl)! I couldn't see it at the time, but she was right, she wasn't the girl for me. Of course, that's taking the long view (years to decades) and I still think we could have had a good - albeit temporary (months to years) - thing, but such are the vagaries of this mortal coil. We last emailed in May, on the anniversary of the day we both got inked. I hope she finds today a wellspring of joy. Happy birthday, Lindsay!

Article I & The War for Civilization
I am endorsing neither the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki nor the legislative record of said government, but I do think there is considerable irony to be found in the criticism of the Maliki government's inability to pass substantive legislation by the Democratic majority in both chambers of the United States Congress. Since the Democrats took power, have they passed comprehensive immigration reform? Health care reform? Farm policy reform? Trade policy reform? Have they balanced the budget? Reduced either the national debt nor the annual deficit? Reformed infrastructure funding processes so as to prevent future sudden bridge collapses? Restored New Orleans to its pre-Katrina "glory"? The Democrats have been unable to reach any compromise on any of these issues, and no one is even trying to car bomb them on their way to work. I would like to see the Iraqi people be far better served by their government, we all would, but perhaps the Democrats should take a look at the roots of their own paralysis before using Prime Minister Maliki as their chosen whipping boy.

The Victors
It should be understood that criticism of incompetent Defensive Coordinator Ron English is secondhand criticism of Head Coach Lloyd Carr. Lloyd is responsible for hiring his own coaches, he is responsible for recruiting his own players. Therefore, he deserves the largest plurality of blame for everything the valiant Wolverines do wrong (which this year seems to be everything) and the largest plurality of credit for everything the team does right. The ultimate responsibility for everything is Lloyd Carr's.

Dear Bog, all of a sudden 7-5 doesn't look like such a disastrous campaign.

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