Sunday, October 21, 2007

A baby was baptized during Mass today. Hooray, another Catholic to be raised to feel guilty about anything and everything she ever does! Sweet fancy Moses, I love being Catholic! And speaking of Moses, today's Old Testament reading was from Exodus, and chronicled the success of Joshua's fight against the Amalekites as long as Moses's hands were kept raised up in the air. Forget Sun Tzu, all we need to do is keep this old dude's hands in the air! That's probably why Napoleon failed at Waterloo, he neglected to keep Moses's hands raised in the air. And, you know, he wasn't fighting the Amalekites, about whom the Bible has only dreadful things to say. Lousy Amalekites.

"Lord, I am not worthy to receive You, but only say the word and I shall be healed."

And I shall be healed.

Christmas Countdown
Remember, boys and girls, Christmas wish lists are due by Thursday, October 25. That will give your kith and kin two full months to purchase those items necessary to express their affection for you through materials possessions. (I love material possessions.) It's just simple courtesy. The longer you wait to send out a wish list, the longer your family and friends will have to wait to buy your presents, meaning they will have either to fight the crowds at the stores or pay online merchants extra fees to cover express shipping. Let the Golden Rule be your watchword. You don't want to have to do your shopping for them at the eleventh hour; so, pay them the courtesy you'd want to be paid.

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