"False Flag"
"The Putsch"
"The Intrepid Lieutenant Snow"
"Chasing the Dragon"
"Echo Base"
"Going Downriver"
"The Leatherstocking Affair"
"Snow Day"
"The Floating World"
"The Empire State of Mind"
The preceding stories are in no discernible order with the exception that "The Putsch" does indeed follow "False Flag."
To be continued...
No. 2
No. 1
Ricky Fitness
During Thursday's run around the hamster wheel, I hit the wall. My legs wanted to fall out from under me, my heart wanted to burst, the thought, "That's it, I'm done. Give it up and try again tomorrow" flitted through my mind. And then I had a very SKP Machine moment. There weren't any words, no encouraging slogans thrown before the mind's eye, but I felt something rising up from the recesses of my mind, something ancient yet intimately familiar. My legs were strong again because they were commanded. Some hideous strength coursed through my whole body, something stronger than I am from I know not where. Something mysterious, but which I used to feel every day during swim practice in high school. I felt that SKP Machine strength a few times during Flounder polo, when I would suddenly become the absolutely strongest man in the pool, even though W.A.P. had a good six inches on me and a body like cords of wood. No match for whatever it is inside me that made me the SKP Machine. I don't know how to summon it, I didn't experience it during Friday's exercises, but my Bog it was grand to feel that again, if ever so fleetingly.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Nirvana, "Something in the Way" from Nevermind (c, sort of)
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