Saturday, June 15, 2019

24 HEURES DU MANS | 19:33:00

In years part, I've experimented with a variety of health regimens during these twenty-four hours. One year, I emulated the vast quantities of beer drunk by the fans at the Circuit de la Sarthe; that was, predictably, a bad idea. Another year, I made the same mistake with too much Red Bull. I've eaten junk food, reasoning that I needed to keep the human machine fueled to last through the night. This year, I'm trying to take a different tack: I had my morning Red Bull, but the rest of the day I'm on water & rabbit food. I'm snacking on carrots, on the theory that so few persons actually eat their daily recommended dose of "veg" that the odds of my eating too many carrots are quite long.

I stick to the old swim team axiom: If your pee isn't clear, you aren't drinking enough water.

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