Friday, October 23, 2020

The Rebel Black Dot Hallowe'en Song o' the Day!

The Aquabats!, "Skeleton Inside!" from Kooky Spooky… In Stereo! (Captain Thumbs Up!)

Commentary: The anatomical science of "Skeleton Inside!" is atrocious, as they several times refer to one's skeleton as being "dead," which of course it is not. But I do appreciate the memento mori quality of "Skeleton Inside!"
"Help me!
Help me!
There's a skeleton inside me,
Skeleton inside me!…

"Now you can't run and you can't hide
From the bones and teeth that reside inside,
Under your face there's a very strange place
Where something dead awaits.

"So do it all and have a ball,
But never forget that curtain call,
At the end, when they find
The bones you left behind…"

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