Friday, October 30, 2020

The Rebel Black Dot Hallowe'en Song o' the Day!

The Aquabats!, "She's Gonna Live Forever!" from Kooky Spooky… In Stereo! (Captain Thumbs Up!)

"I can't explain what's in her brain,
Why can't she just communicate?
It's that same old story
Of boys meets girl, but the girl's immortal…

"Yes, I know it, I know it hurts your hearts,
You can't be with me, I understand,
I get it, you live in a cave—
The cave of the immortals!

"And she's gonna live forever!
She doesn't want to break her own heart to be with me,
And now I see why this can't be, obviously,
But why you gotta live forever?
It's just like you to make this about you and not about me,
And now I see why this can't be, obviously!"

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