Thursday, July 19, 2007

Zooey Deschanel Appreciation Day
You know, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is just a fabulous, fabulous film.

Switching gears, I'm glad I never recklessly resolved to see any and all movies featuring the enchanting Ms. Deschanel (as I did concerning the films of Parker Posey), because I have nothing but disdain for the music of Janis Joplin, whom Ms. Deschanel is portraying in a bio pic due out next year. Awful.

Emily the Strange
Emily doesn't just break rules...

...she breaks hearts.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Green Day, "The Ballad of Wilhelm Fink" from Short Music for Short People (T.L.A.M.)

Crist Saves?
Jack Ketch. I first heard of Charlie Crist years ago when The Professor was an undergraduate at Florida State. Mr. Crist was running for office against one or another of Florida's ubiquitous Morphonios dynasty; Crist versus Morphonios tickled The Professor's funny bone as being delightfully close to "Christ vs. Morphonios," plainly the name of a denizen of the demonic depths. Charlie Crist: No H, no mercy.

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