No. LXVII - Finland Imperiled, Part I of III: The Winter War (1939-40)

Who Used To Own It? - Round Two
Round One Answers
1) Algeria - France
2) Libya - Italy
3) Egypt - Great Britain*
4) Kenya - Great Britain
5) The Sudan - Great Britain
6) D.R. Congo (Zaire) - Belgium*
7) Guinea -
8) Equatorial Guinea - Spain
9) Guinea-Bissau - Portugal
10) Cameroon - Germany
11) Mozambique - Portugal
12) Zambia - Great Britain
Only one among you had the courage to test his knowledge, scoring a laudable 33% with four of twelve correct answers. For his audacity, The Guy shall receive a prize, while the rest of you rabble will hold cheap your manhood (even the girls) and hang your heads in shame. But lo, redemption is at hand, for I give unto you Who Used To Own It?... Round Two!
Round Two
A clarification: following the Great War, Germany was stripped of her overseas possessions. We are looking for the original, pre-Versailles colonial suzerain. Also, the number of queries has been reduced in a bid to lessen the intimidation factor. Please don't be too embarrassed to play. This is an educational diversion, a mere whimsical trifle! Play, participate, and remember that in the sage words of Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate, the Globetrotter commander, "Nothing is at stake and there are no consequences." Good luck!
1) Senegal
2) The Gambia
3) Namibia
4) Somalia
5) Malawi
6) Gabon
7) Ethiopia
*Geopolitical complexity is not an invention of the 21st Century. The Khedive of Egypt was a unique proposition, even before the British Empire wrested is away from the Ottoman Empire. Also, for over two decades what we know as the Democratic Republic of Congo was the private property of King Leopold II, not a colony of the Kingdom of Belgium.
The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Real Can of Yams, "Let's Get Drunk and Clean the Room" from Good or Suck! (T.L.A.M.)
Commentary: Good or Suck! is R.C.Y.'s first, but I guarantee you not last, studio album. Available only in the most exclusive of record shops, the kind of places about which if you have to ask you'll never know.
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