Monday, September 12, 2011

Vote for Kodos
My plan was to watch this evening's Republican presidential candidates debate on C.N.N., but I bailed once I learned of the debate's format. I am not a fan of the "tea party" movement, both because I oppose the isolationism at the core of its advocated foreign policies & because I oppose rabble-rousing of all stripes. One of the things that was supposed to separate us on the Right from our rivals on the Left was our disdain for mobs (usually referred to by the euphemistic term "protests"). Call me a snob if you will, but I agree with the Founding Fathers that representative democracy is infinity preferable to direct democracy. I prefer a moderated debate to the quasi-town hall C.N.N. put on in conjunction with the Tea Party Express, a group that seems oblivious to the contradiction twixt the grassroots nature of the tea parties & a top-down national organization claiming to speak for those selfsame tea parties.

The Queue
Have any of you in my warmly appreciated audience read anything by Sinclair Lewis? I am greatly intrigued by his fictional state of Winnemac. When I next take a break from spy fiction, or move on to pursue some other genre, I am curious to know if anyone would recommend or warn against reading Lewis. I make no guarantee that any advice given will be followed, but it will be considered. Thanks, gang.


Dr. Hee Haw said...

I read Babbitt in college for a satire class. While I remember liking it at the time, I do not know what I would think of it now. (I know that's not much to go on, but that is the only experience I have had with Lewis.)

Mike Wilson said...

"Not much" is better than naught at all. Thanks, Doc.