Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Weekly Wednesday Weigh-in
Last week: 347.0 lbs
This week: 343.6 lbs.
Difference: -3.4 lbs.

In the last seven days I have lost three point four pounds & now weigh exactly one pound less than I did three weeks hence, before gaining weight over the course of the next fortnight. I initially thought I had lost less weight, but repeated remeasuring produced the consistently lower results posted above. (Repeatability is fundamental to proper scientific measurement.) I am gaining an appreciation for what my wrestler friends went through in high school. Back on track, but having made far less progress than I should have over that three-week period. I doubt this will be the last time I take one step backward for every two steps forward, but I will strive to make it so. Onward!

Today is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Scapular-link & Wikipedia-link.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Robbie Williams, "If I Only Had a Brain" from Swings Both Ways (T.L.A.M.)


"I would not be just for nothin',
My head all full of stuffin',
My heart all full of pain;
Perhaps I'd deserve you
And be even worthy of you,
If I only had a brain…"

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