Saturday, July 19, 2014


I cut my hair today, a fortnight & a day later than I was scheduled to do so. In fact, ideally I'd like to buzz my hair every two weeks, so I was a full cycle behind schedule. Adding to the pre-cut misery the house's air conditioning has remained turned off even as the unseasonable temperance has subsided & the heat has returned. (Mom is still largely sedentary due to her improving-but-still-bum leg & I insisted on bringing to her "sickbed"—the living room couch—an electric stand fan from the guest bedroom, so she's normally quite comfortable.) "Swamp ass" yesterday, & a sweatbox atop my head. A happy boy I was not. Now, as the fan near my desk whirls away, I can feel the cool, rushing air on my scalp. Ah, bliss!

I must not be so slothful again. In two weeks, buzz buzz goes the electric clippers.

The Rebel Black Dot Song of the Day
Robbie Williams, "Ain't That a Kick In the Head?" from Swing When You're Winning (T.L.A.M.)

Commentary: I'm on a Robbie Williams kick. So sue me.

"I've sunshine enough to spread…"

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