Commentary: Wayback Machine.
'Tis also the festival of Saint Nicholas of Flüe, Hermit (1417-1487, A.K.A. Brother Klaus): Saint-link & Wikipedia-link.
'Tis also the festival of Blessed Thomas Pilchard, Priest & Martyr (1557-1587, also spelt Pilcher), martyred in the reign of the English queen Elizabeth I, one of the Eighty-five Martyrs of England & Wales: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Martyrs-link LXXXV & Wikipedia-link LXXXV.
'Tis also the festival of Blessed William Pike, Martyr (died 1591), martyred in the reign of the English queen Elizabeth I, one of the Eighty-five Martyrs of England & Wales: Martyr-link & Wikipedia-link; Martyrs-link LXXXV & Wikipedia-link LXXXV.
Commentary: Bl. William was converted to the Catholic Faith by Bl. Thomas Pilchard.
Scripture of the Day
Mass Readings—Lenten Weekday
The Book of Daniel, chapter three, verses fourteen thru twenty, ninety-one, ninety-two, & ninety-five;
The Book of Daniel, chapter three, verses fifty-two, fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five, & fifty-six;
The Gospel according to John, chapter eight, verses thirty-one thru forty-two.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, today in our Gospel Jesus confronts those Jewish leaders who want to kill him, telling them that they are hardened in their sin. He speaks, "Amen, amen, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin."Video reflection by Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
In our tradition, sin is a kind of non-being, an illusion, if you will. To live in sin is to live stubbornly in an unreal world. Our mind becomes confused, and our will disoriented. This helps explain why the devil is often referred to as the father of lies.
Theologian Henri de Lubac gives voice to this conviction when he refers to sin as cette claudication mystérieuse, this mysterious limp. It is a deformation, a corruption.
All of us sinners have, to one degree or another, bought into the lie. At the heart of the lie—and we can see it in the Genesis account—is the deification of the ego. I become the center of the universe, I with my needs and my fears and my demands.
And when the puny "I" is the center of the cosmos, the tie that binds all things to one another is lost. The basic reality now becomes rivalry, competition, violence, and mistrust.
Papal Quote o' the Day
"O God, Eternal father, in Your mercy hear our prayer which we raise up to You amidst the deafening noise & desperation of the world. We turn to You with great hope, full of trust in Your infinite Mercy. We ask for the gift of peace."Little Flower Quote o' the Day
—Pope Francis
"Jesus, hidden in my poor little heart, has once again made me understand how hollow & empty are all passing things."Saint Quote o' the Day
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
"Be a good child, & God will help you."
—St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431, feast day: 30 May)
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