The Popish Plot
Summer Book Club: "Prayer"
Monday, 30 July was the Optional Memorial of Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop & Doctor of the Church (circa 380-450): Doctor-link ūnus, Doctor-link duo, YouTube-link The True Enlightenment!, & Wikipedia-link; Wikipedia-link Doctors.
Commentary: Wayback Machine. Quoth the Holy Redeemer bulletin:
Petros Chrysologus means Peter the 'golden-worded.' He is known as the 'Doctor of Homilies' for his concise but theologically rich reflections he delivered during his time as the Bishop of Ravenna.'Twas also the festival of Blesseds Thomas Abel, Richard Featherstone, & Edward Powell, Priests & Martyrs (died 1540), martyred in the reign of the English king Henry VIII: Martyr-link Tango Alpha & Wikipedia-link Tango Alpha, Martyr-link Romeo Foxtrot & Wikipedia-link Romeo Foxtrot, & Martyr-link Echo Papa & Wikipedia-link Echo Papa.
Commentary: Bls. Thomas, Richard, & Edward were twinned with & executed alongside a trio of Lutherans: Robert Barnes, Thomas Gerrard, & William Jerome. The Catholics were hanged, drawn, & quartered for treason; the Lutherans were burned at the stake for heresy.
'Twas also the festival of Saint Leopold of Castelnuovo, Priest, O.F.M. Cap. (1866-1942, the "Apostle of Unity," A.K.A. Bogdan Ivan Mandić): Saint-link ūnus, Saint-link duo, YouTube-link The True Enlightenment!, & Wikipedia-link.
'Twas also the first-ever festival of Blessed Solanus Casey, Priest, O.F.M. Cap. (1870-1957, A.K.A. Bernard Francis Casey): Blessed-link ūnus, Blessed-link duo, & Wikipedia-link.
Commentary: Bl. Solanus was beatified on 18 November 2017 with yours truly in attendance: Wayback Machine.
Scripture of That Day
Mass Readings—Monday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time
The Book of Jeremiah, chapter thirteen, verses one thru eleven;
The Book of Deuteronomy, chapter thirty-two, verses eighteen & nineteen, twenty, & twenty-one;
The Gospel according to Matthew, chapter thirteen, verses thirty-one thru thirty-five.
Commentary: Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron (Word on Fire):
Friends, today’s Gospel compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed that "when it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants." It seems to be a law of the spiritual life that God wants good things to start small and grow over time.Video reflection by Msgr. James Vlaun (Telecare T.V.): United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
We’re tempted to say, "You’re God. Just get on with it. Do it!" But why would God work the way he does? We might attempt a few explanations. It is a commonplace of the Bible that God rejoices in our cooperation. He wants to involve us, through freedom, intelligence, and creativity, in what he is doing. And so he plants seeds, and he wants us to cultivate them.
Consider what God said to St. Francis: "Francis, rebuild my Church." God could have rebuilt his Church without Francis, but he wanted him to get involved.
When things start small, they can fly under the radar while they gain strength and heft and seriousness. Also, those involved can be tested and tried. Suppose you want to do something great in the life of the Church and you pray and God gives you massively what you want. You might not be ready, and your project will peter out. So be patient and embrace the small invitations.
Mass Readings—Optional Memorial of St. Peter Chrysologus
The Letter to the Ephesians, chapter three, verses eight thru twelve;
Psalm One Hundred Nineteen, verse twelve;
The Gospel according to Luke, chapter six, verses forty-three, forty-four, & forty-five.
Papal Quote o' That Day
"If humanity 'groans & travails in pain,' it does so to the extent that people's minds & hearts are not lifted up with Christ to God. Their consciences are not conformed through Christ to the wisdom that comes from God."Little Flower Quote o' That Day
—Pope St. John Paul II (the Great, 1920-2005; feast day: 22 October)
"We practice charity much better when we are helping a person who is less appealing to us."Saint Quote o' That Day
—St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church (1873-1897, feast day: 1 October)
"Let us foster confidence in God & thank Him ahead of time for whatever He chooses to send us."
—Bl. Solanus Casey (1870-1957, feast day: 30 July)
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